" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;18/04/2014 Development&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Forge Ahead in the Next Version Update!&style;&br; &br; The next version update is scheduled to descend from the mountains in mid-May.&br;&br;Enjoy a wide variety of new features, including the all new Mog Wardrobe system, which makes storing equipment a breeze, and new ways to enjoy solo play, as fellows can now level up to 99 and will be empowered by player item levels.&br;&br;In terms of other content, expect an expansion to the job point system, other job adjustments, new high-tier mission battlefields, mythic-equivalent weapons for geomancers and rune fencers, and-most of all-the continuation of the Seekers of Adoulin mission storyline as it prepares to reach the climax!&br;&br;The development team is currently hard at work bringing you the latest in Vana'dielian goodness. We hope to see you on the other side! &br;&br; "