" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;16/06/2014 News Flash&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;12th Vana'versary Bonanza Marble Sales End Wednesday, WEDNESday, WEDNESDAY!&style;&br; &br; Two paltry days remain before you will have to wait who-knows-how-long to purchase more Mog Bonanza marbles and turn those visions of sugar rusks into clusters of kupons!&br;&br;Feeling lucky? Then teleport, run, or swagger like the winner you know you'll be to the nearest Bonanza Moogle and plunk down that hard-earned gil for up to ten marbles, as you've got to be in it to win it! Today could be the day your big dreams turn into big winnings, so be not faint of heart or tight of wallet.&br;&br;Don't let the big one get away just because you were unsure of the particulars. Let yourself play by reading up on all the details.&br;http://sqex.to/AHF&br;&br;* Bonanza marble sales are set to end on Wednesday, 18 June at 8:00 a.m. (GMT)&br;* Please remember that all prizes won in the Mog Bonanza are valueless virtual items for use in the game FINAL FANTASY XI only.&br;&br; "