" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;18/07/2014 Development&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Announcing the August Version Update!&style;&br; &br; Get your hard hats on, for the next version update is scheduled to slam into Vana'diel in Mid-August!&br;&br;This hard hitter features the next exciting chapter in the Seekers of Adoulin main scenario; fresh-off-the-grill alluvion skirmishes; a further foray into the Serpentine Labyrinth with a new area, Ra'Kaznar Inner Court; a command to change multiple pieces of equipment at once; and a treasure trove of new content and changes!&br;&br;The Trust Initiative will also get splashed with a bit of elbow grease, including a system to enjoy one alter ego in two different ways, a new list specifically for Trust magic, and the addition of new alter egos gained through quest-related cutscenes!&br;&br;If that's not enough, dig deep into the action with job adjustments, new job point categories, and more battle content adjustments that you can shake Amchuchu's wrench at!&br;&br;All this and more will be hitting the servers in a few short weeks!&br;&br; "