" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;12/08/2014 Development&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Vana'diel Doused with August Version Update!&style;&br; &br; Beat the heat by diving headfirst into the sea of additional Seekers of Adoulin missions implemented with this update! However, if that alone doesn't quench your thirst for adventure, try getting wet and wild in the new alluvion skirmishes!&br;&br;The equipment set-switching feature should help you keep your cool in the field, whereas new slick and sleek weapons may just compel you to ice some enemies. Furthermore, you'll be able to sink deeper into the abyss of Ra'Kaznar with the unveiling of its Inner Court, or-if you prefer to stay afloat-splash around with Shadowreign alter egos. Let's not lose the various job adjustments and job point additions amidst this perfect storm of an update, either. There's something for every swashbuckler in this installment!&br;&br;For further details, please access the Related Information section.&br;&br; "