" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;22/08/2014 Development&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Announcing the September version update!&style;&br; &br; The next version update will come romping into Vana'diel in early September.&br;&br;Join the stampede with Incursion, new battle content pitting the fittest adventurers against hordes of Velkk, and Walk of Echoes content for high item level characters.&br;&br;Also trampling the competition are a multitude of job adjustments, a fresh revamp of the Gobbie Mystery Box, the addition of a new monster family to Monster Rearing, and much, much more!&br;&br;* Some previously announced features, including a Wings of the Goddess-related story; secondary linkshell features; and expansion of equipment sets have been postponed pending further adjustments.&br;&br; "