" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;27/01/2015 Life in Vana'diel&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Valentione&style;&br; &br; Valentione's Day, that decidedly delightful day of doting, has descended to dazzle us once again.&br;&br;It is a day for reveling in the rapturous rhapsody of romantic rapport. As such, partners often prefer to preserve the precious precepts of their pairing in the form of a present.&br;&br;Determined to help these people share their magical memories of mirth with that special someone, the MHMU has crafted curious containing couples' names, kupo!&br;&br;Wouldn't you like to leave a lasting reminder of the linkage between your lives?&br;&br;This year, the M.H.M.U. has graciously gleaned new gifts for Valentione's Day, and is anxiously waiting to assist in these admirable assertions of affection, kupo!&br;&br;Take the plunge and pursue this personalized present by procuring a pairing with that precious person you find most dear!&br;&br;Indeed, the URL below follows the tale of a young Elvaan girl in the far reaches of San d'Oria who so desired a gift inscribed with the name of the one she fancied that she stopped at nothing to obtain it.&br;http://sqex.to/hIh&br;&br; "