" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;30/03/2007 News Flash&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Presenting the New Player Guide!&style;&br; &br; For all of you who have just started your new lives in Vana'diel as adventurers, as well as for those of you who may be interested in learning about FINAL FANTASY XI, we present the New Player Guide, a collection of informative pages filled with fun movies and tips to aide in your adventurer's life.&br;&br;In the first movies available on the site, you can learn about basics such as conversation, fighting, using your Mog House, and making money. We hope that the guide helps you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XI to the fullest.&br;&br;The New Player's Guide can be viewed by clicking on the moogle banner at the upper left of the FINAL FANTASY XI official site.&br;&br;FINAL FANTASY XI Official Site&br;http://www.playonline.com/ff11eu/index.shtml&br;&br; "