" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;19/12/2007 Community&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;A Starlight Celebration Gift!&style;&br; &br; Happy Starlight Celebration, kupo!&br;That's right! Starting today, the Starlight Celebration festivities are in full effect in all three nations!&br;&br;The city dwellers have brought out their biggest and brightest lights, decorating the streets and buildings in such a dazzling fashion, one might think they were defying the starry skies themselves, kupo!&br;&br;So what plans are on your docket for this year's festivities, kupo?&br;&br;A quiet evening alone with your wishes and prayers under a majestic, starry sky?&br;Ooo, you old romantic! That sounds simply amazing, kupo!&br;&br;A tour of the three nations with a close companion, delving into the finer points of San d'Orian, Bastokan, and Windurstian seasonal ornamentation?&br;Now that sounds like an absolute hoot, kupo! A night full of memories just waiting to happen!&br;&br;What? What? You can tell me!&br;Just you and that special someone nestled up in the cozy warmth of your mog house?&br;Well, I'm sorry to rain on your parade, but I might be a bit of a third wheel on that one, kupo...&br;&br;Well, whatever plans you may have, one thing is for sure. We moogles have noticed adventurers everywhere are a smidgen exhausted, kupo. It's been a long year of gallivanting about from continent to continent, questing, battling, and whatnot.&br;At the very least we'd like to make the Starlight Celebration a time for them all to get a little rest and relaxation, kupo!&br;&br;We've got a mess of gifts all ready here to help you enjoy this year's holiday season to the utmost, kupo!&br;&br;Alright!&br;Time to start handing these things out, kupo!&br;&br;Why so surprised, kupo?&br;Don't tell me you thought all of these presents were for you, kupo.&br;Come on, where's your giving spirit?&br;This is your chance to experience the joy of being a smilebringer and make the most out of this year's Starlight Celebration, kupo!&br;&br; &image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=2684_0.png; Let's see what we've got here, kupo...Ah-ha!&br;A little something for that elegant Hume with the glistening gold armor and friendly smile, kupo!&br;And this is for that lovely young Elvaan lady with that gleaming black scythe!&br;&br;And then there's...huh?&br;I wonder who this one is for, kupo...&br;Maybe for that gourmet Mithra with the inordinately discerning palate when it comes to rice balls, kupo...? &br;&br;This isn't looking good, kupo.&br;There's waaay too many gifts here to keep track of who gets what.&br;This could prove to be quite the pickle, kupo!&br;&br;There's only one thing to do, kupo! We have to meet each recipient face-to-face to make sure we've got it right!&br;As you may or may not know, we moogles are memory receptacles par excellence, kupo! As soon as we put a face to the name, I'm sure we'll be able to recall what goes where, kupo.&br;&br;That's where you come in, kupo! We need you to go and find other adventurers who may be potential recipients, and bring them to see us.&br;&br;Help us make this the best Starlight Celebration ever, kupo!&image=im00;&br; Illustration by Mitsuhiro Arita&image=im00;&br; &image=hr01;&br; &li=ng01;Event Schedule&li;&br; The Starlight celebration will begin at 8:00am on Wednesday, December 19, 2007 and continue until 3:00pm on Monday, December 31, 2007.&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &li=ng01;Event Locales&li;&br; During the above times, event moogles and smilebringers can be found at the following locations:&image=im00;&br; Moogle Locations&br;- Southern San d'Oria (J-9) / Northern San d'Oria (D-8) &br;- Bastok Markets (G-8) / Bastok Mines (I-9) &br;- Windurst Woods (K-10) / Windurst Waters (F-5)&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; Smilebringer Locations&br;- Northern San d'Oria (J-9) &br;- Bastok Mines (I-9)&br;- Windurst Waters (J-9)&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &li=ng01;Specialty Shops&li;&br; Players can find specialty shops peddling seasonal wares at the following select locations:&br;- Northern San d'Oria (D-8)&br;- Port Bastok (L-8)&br;- Windurst Waters (G-10)&image=im00;&br; "