" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;30/01/2008 News Flash&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Valentione's Day Fast Approaches!&style;&br; &br; Attention, all adventurers!&br;The time has come to spill your guts to that person closest to your heart!&br;That's right. Valentione's Day cometh, kupo!&br;&br; As in past years, the Mog House Management Union is planning to hold the traditional chocolate exchanging event for the enamored youth of all nations.&br;And it goes without saying that we'd like the help of all you intrepid adventurers out there, kupo!&br;Hm? You're a young'un too, you say?&br;Well, in that case, couple up and get it done, kupo! &image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=2771_0.png; Illustration by Mitsuhiro Arita&image=im00;&br; Master!?&br;Why are you all balled up in the corner there? Have you been crying, kupo?&br;&br;…kupo?&br;What's that? You envy us Moogles for being so giving and unselfish? &br;And you find you can't sleep at night when you think of the fast-approaching Valentione's Day?&br;I'm not quite sure I follow, kupo. Is it because you're nervous?&br;Or……lonely?&br;&br;L-leave it to me, kupo!&br;Moogle is going to make it all better. Moogle is going to make the hurt go away.&br;I've been out asking Vana'diel's adventurers all about the upcoming Valentione's Day, and I've amassed some pretty enthusiastic responses. Give us a listen, kupo!&br;&br;Alright, Master!&br;First, just hear what some fellow Vana'diellers have to say, kupo!&br;And remember, I'm pulling for you, Master! May it be a truly memorable Valentione's Day for you, whether it be as sweet as heart chocolate, or as bitter as Goblin chocolate! &image=im00;&br; &image=hr02;&br; &li=ng01;Ms. L (Hume, female) Diabolos&li;&br; &image=im00;&image=2771_5.png; I'm farming crawler cocoons.&br;My betrothed gave me the most beautiful ring before we unexpectedly…parted ways. So in return I'm going to make him a swanky silk robe.&br;I'm planning to give it to him on Valentione's Day, at the exact spot where we first met.&br;&br;Despite my pleas to the contrary, I know in my heart of hearts that he probably won't come.&br;But he is the only one out there for me…&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &li=ng01;Ms. J (Elvaan, female) Remora&li;&br; &image=im00;&image=2771_8.png; People always seem to get the wrong idea. We're just friends!&br;Sure, he's a nice guy, but... Well, he's a great paladin, and we all know how hard those are to find.&br;I just feel so...safe. You know, when I'm in a party with him.&br;Like just a few days ago, he rescued me from a really sticky situation.&br;I figure the least I can do to show my appreciation is give him a couple of chocolates on Valentione's Day...&br;&br;What? Seriously, it doesn't go any farther than that. What!? Stop it! No seriously, stop it.&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &li=ng01;Mr. H (Tarutaru, male) Shiva&li;&br; &image=im00;&image=2771_11.png; When Valentione's Day finally gets here, I'm supposed to deliver some message this G.G. guy in my linkshell gave me to some girl. Where'd I put that thing, anyway…? Ah, here it is.&br;To "S." it says. Apparently her name starts with an "S." G.G. is a junk food addictaru, always raiding the Auction House for cookie-wookies. So one day he checks the auction history and finds out that it's this "S." who has been whipping up all the cookies he loves.&br;He says he has seen her around town a few times, but can't bring himself to talk to her…&br;&br;Oh, and here we go—this is rich. "I want to eat your cookies."&br;Sounds like he's just hungry…&br;Not the most articulataru guy in the linkshell, but what can you do, right? That's love for you.&br;&br;Still, all the hype has even gotten me nervous. I'm palpi-walpitating.&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &li=ng01;Ms. M (Mithra) Valefor&li;&br; &image=im00;&image=2771_15.png; Even now, I can rrremember it like it was yesterday…&br;Joshing with each other as we stumbled our way around Jeuno.&br;Chasing one another around the Altepa Desert on our chocobos.&br;Going crrrazy on the beaches of Bibiki Bay under a firework-filled sky.&br;Whenever I look back, it seems C. was always at my side…&br;&br;And we squandered it all, went our separate ways over a childish rrrivalry.&br;Now there's another girl by his side, laughing with him.&br;Like they say, you don't know what you got till it's gone…&br;&br;But it's almost Valentione's Day, and love is in the air.&br;So I've made up my mind.&br;If I'm ever lucky enough to be visited by love again, I won't let it get away.&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &li=ng01;Mr. K (Galka) Gilgamesh&li;&br; &image=im00;&image=2771_19.png; One Valentione's Day, I…I just couldn't do it. I tried to work up the nerve on more than one occasion, but to no avail. I let her get away without ever telling her how I felt….&br;So I threw myself into a rampage of blood, sweat, and honor, destroying any enemy who dared stand before me in Assault, Pankration, and any other venue of battle I could find!&br;But I've come to the painful realization that I cannot escape this perpetual longing, no matter how much I kill…&br;&br;So that's it! No more! I shall turn this pining into raw bravery! And this Valentione's Day I will tell her how I feel, whether she likes it or not!&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &image=hr02;&br; &li=ng01;Event Schedule&li;&br; Monday, February 4th, 2008 at 8:00am – Friday, February 15th, 2008 at 8:00am&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &li=ng01;Moogle Locations&li;&br; Throughout the event, Moogles can be found at any of the locations listed below.&br;Players can ascertain information regarding the Valentione's Day event by speaking to these Moogles.&br;&br;- Southern San d'Oria (J-9)&br;- Northern San d'Oria (G-8)&br;- Bastok Mines (I-9)&br;- Bastok Markets (G-8)&br;- Windurst Waters (F-5)&br;- Windurst Woods (K-10)&image=im00;&br; "