" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;27/03/2008 Community&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Doll Festival Fan Art Contest Winners Selected! &style;&br; &br; It is with great pleasure that we present to you the winning entries for this year's Doll Festival Fan Art Contest, kupo. A big thank-you to all our fans who sent in an entry!&br;&br;We received over 400 fabulous pieces of art during the submission period, and boy were they impressive! We wouldn't be surprised if several modern-day Picassos were to appear out of the budding artists who participated, kupo.&br;&br;Notable in this year's entries was the application of avant-garde techniques to astounding results. Although differing in approach to varying degrees, each submission in its own unique way pays powerful tribute to the ladies who tirelessly strive to make Vana'diel a better place for all, kupo.&br;&br;Nothing would have pleased us more than to show each and every submission, but with so many entries, there simply isn't enough space to display them all. The MHMU moogles had to spend many sleepless nights selecting the winners from the scores and scores of quality entries, kupo.&br;&br;And now, without further ado, we give you, "The Ladies of Vana'diel"!&br;&br; &li=ng01;Crystal Prize&li;&br; &image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=3028_1.png; Title:Feline Females in the Field&br;Artist:Ametaro&br;Artist's Comment:&br;Received reports of Orcish artillery being supplied to Yagudo forces. Mithran Mercenaries dispatched to capture said artillery!&br;&br;Moogle's Comment:&br;And this year's coveted Crystal Prize goes to this adorable rendition of Campaign Ops in action, kupo! We were taken in by the liveliness of this piece, which depicts a crack team of Mithra engaged in a hillarious attempt to sequester a siege turret from Yagudo clenches. We're tempted to commission further works to finish the story. We need some closure, kupo!&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;Mythril Prize&li;&br; &image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=3028_4.png; Title:Behind Every Good Man...&br;Artist:Shu&br;Artist's Comment:&br;Such attention to detail! Such brilliant flair! A beautiful Hume woman, showing us all how Dancer AF is meant to be worn.&br;&br;Moogle's Comment:&br;Shifting gears a bit, we come to this colorful and dignified masterpiece. Don't be fooled by the cool repose of this temptress. For she is about to throw down one of the most frenzied sambas you will ever witness, kupo! Her audience, at first stupified and maybe even a little taken aback by such an unexpected outburst, are soon mesmerized by the enthralling movements. Well...at least that's the impression we were left with, kupo.&image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=3028_6.png; Title:Ladies' Night Out!&br;Artist:Yoshida Toru&br;Artist's Comment:&br;What do you get when a slew of Vana'diel vixens trade in their battle-worn suits of armor for something a little more comfortable? Voila!&br;&br;Moogle's Comment:&br;This next piece illustrates beautifully the distinctive characteristics of each of Vana'diel's races, accentuated by the fact that they are all donning the same opaline dress. What's that you say, kupo? You can't help but notice the bearded "lady" located in the middle right quandrant? Hogwash, kupo! What guy in his right mind wouldn't kill for a chance to be in those Galkan shoes?&image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=3028_8.png; Title:Many Thanks!&br;Artist:Pyokopyoko&br;Artist's Comment:&br;To all the ladies of my ever-indulgent linkshell, another year of adventurous exploits!&br;&br;Moogle's Comment:&br;Like a scene straight out of a side-scrolling picture from the Far East comes our next winner, kupo! No Moogle can deny the masterful use of color at work here. Just look at all of that magnificent and rare equipment! We don't doubt that there are a great many epic stories simply waiting to be told. Shhh! Can't you hear it, kupo? Arrrgh! We Moogles would give anything for the chance to party up with these ladies and get our adventure on, kupo!&image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=3028_10.png; Title:Wings of the Goddess&br;Artist:Skai&br;Artist's Comment:&br;Ladies of Vana'diel - The Wings of Altana&br;&br;Moogle's Comment:&br;Where to begin, kupo!? An all-star cast of adventure-bound ladies, famous heroines we all know and love, and even a few female monsters to round it all out! This piece vividly captures the depth of Vana'diel, and to be perfectly honest, we Moogles get good n' flustered just looking at it, kupo! No adventurer would soon forget the day they made the acquaintance of any of these lovely lasses.&image=im00;&br; "