" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;30/04/2008 News Flash&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Mog Bonanza Kicking-off May 16!&style;&br; &br; Ladies and gentlemen! Mog Bonanza—the rumored special event of 2008 that garnered so much attention at Altana Festival in Osaka and Fan Festival 2007—will soon be here! With jaw-dropping amounts of gil and hoards of super-rare items available as prizes, Mog Bonanza is sure to become a fan-favorite. Be sure not to miss it!&br;&br;Detailed information on prizes and rules is available in the main article.&br;&br;*Please remember that all prizes won in the Mog Bonanza are virtual goods and cannot be redeemed for real-world money.&br;&br; "