" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;15/05/2008 Community&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;New Image Upload Feature Added to the Linkshell Community!&style;&br; &br; A new image upload feature has been added to the FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community Beta Version. Using this feature, users are able to upload images such as screenshots to their community's message board or calendar. &br;Users can utilize this feature to post pictures from events held by their linkshell or upload strategic plans for an upcoming battlefield. Feel free to use it however you want! &br;&br;In addition to the image upload feature, we are also planning on adding a "Photo Album" in the near future. &br;*For information on new features, refer to Updates under Information on the FINAL FANTASY XI official site. &br;&br;To access or register to join the FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community (Beta Version), please click the following link.&br;http://fanzone.playonline.com/lscom/index.do&br;&br; "