" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;13/04/2006 Life in Vana'diel&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Blue Mage&style;&br; &br; &li=ng01;The Forbidden Art&li;&br; &image=im00;&image=396_9.png; "Blue is the color of monster's blood, and the color of our future. Assuming we have a future..."&br;- From the diary of an Immortal&image=im00;&br; Blue magic is an art that allows a person to mimic the awesome powers of monsters and far exceed the normal boundaries of mortals. &br;However, a blue mage uses the techniques of beasts in the form of a person, placing enormous strain on his or her physical self. And while the magical process of absorbing a monster's essence into oneself has reduced the occurrence of physical incidents, there is an increased danger of a blue mage succumbing mentally and spiritually to the beast within...&br;No Immortal in history has ever reached the end of his natural lifespan, and this speaks eloquently of the pain they endure despite improvements to their art. There is even talk of an Immortal who absorbed the essence of an undead creature and can no longer be released from his mortal coil... &br;&br;Only those with the strength of spirit to resist the savage call of the beast within--and those willing to sacrifice a future to carry out their duty--have the necessary qualities to walk the path of the blue mage. &br;&br;Illustration by Mitsuhiro Arita&image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=396_10.png; "