" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;16/03/2009 News Flash&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;"A Crystalline Prophecy" Site Updated and Advance Order Date Announced!&style;&br; &br; The first installment of three new add-on scenarios, entitled "A Crystalline Prophecy – Ode of Life Bestowing" will be available for advance purchase through PlayOnline starting from March 23, 2009. &br; (*Players purchasing the scenario will receive access to the in-game content upon the release of the next FINAL FANTASY XI version update, scheduled for early April.)&br;&br;In honor of this occasion, the official site for "A Crystalline Prophecy" has been updated with the latest news. Head on over to read all the exciting details! &br;You also won't want to miss the new promotional trailer, scheduled for release in the coming days, so keep watching this space!&br;&br;The official site for the add-on scenarios may be accessed at the URL below.&br;http://www.playonline.com/ff11eu/addon/&br;&br; "