" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;14/05/2009 Community&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;The 9th Vana'diel Census Preliminary Survey&style;&br; &br; It's almost time for this year's FINAL FANTASY XI Vana'diel Census! We'll be taking a look behind the scenes at the numbers that made up your world in the past year.&br;For the 9th Vana'diel Census, we'll be trying something different: a preliminary survey to find out all about each adventurer's day-to-day life in Vana'diel. &br;&br;That means we need your help! Even if you're a silent ninja, a shy scholar, or a bard with laryngitis, let your voice be heard! Together, we can make the 9th Vana'diel Census the best one yet!&br;&br;The user survey has ended.&br;Thank you for your cooperation.&br;&br; "