" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;28/02/2010 Development&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;VanaFest 2010 Post-event Report Now Available!&style;&br; &br; The curtains have come down on VanaFest 2010, Japan's premier FINAL FANTASY XI event, to rapturous applause!&br;&br;The development and operations teams would like to take this opportunity to express their profound gratitude towards all fans both near and far who made this event such a great success.&br;&br;For the benefit of those unable to attend, all the juicy news announced at the event is now available for your perusing pleasure on the official website. Topics covered include:&br;- A preview of the March version update&br;- The three new battle add-ons&br;- The bolstering of all job classes&br;- The future direction of the game&br;&br;A dedicated page detailing the exciting new content planned for the fast-approaching March version update has also been prepared.&br;&br;For details, please refer to the URL below.&br;http://www.playonline.com/ff11eu/event/vanafes2010/index.html&br;&br; &image=hr02;&br; &li=ng01;Wings of the Goddess Missions : The Story Continues!&li;&br; New Wings of the Goddess missions will be coming to you in the March version update!&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &image=im00;&image=5303_4.png; Nerves run high as the embattled Allied Forces march on the enemy's heartland, Valdeaunia, to execute a daring operation to strike down the Shadow Lord. Charged to stand at the helm of this desperate campaign is the celebrated San d'Orian hero, Sir Ragelise B Baloumat of the Knights of the Ironcrest Hawk... &image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &image=im00;&image=5303_6.png; Dauntless soldiers who would dare follow Castle Zvahl's perilous passageways to their end will find themselves standing before the Throne Room. There, they will learn the true identity of the imposing dark figure whose entrance is heralded by a garrulous imp...&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &image=im00;&image=5303_8.png; The repercussions of Atomos' mindless devouring of memories and time have extended even to the present. The ominous comet has again appeared, this time above the skies of San d'Oria and far closer now than ever before. What could this possibly portend for the future of Vana'diel...? &image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; What will become of the heroes and heroines of the Allied Forces? All will be revealed upon the release of the March version update!&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &li=ng01;Campaign&li;&br; The new version update will offer a host of additions sure to delight veteran campaigners, including:&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &image=im00;&image=5303_15.png; - A long-awaited decoration unlocked&br;- New Campaign Ops&br;- A new battleground: Castle Zvahl&br;- ...and all-new rewards!&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &image=im00;&image=5303_17.png; Among the new rewards will be formidable weapons that allow the wielder to employ devastating weapon skills formerly exclusive to certain Campaign NPCs.&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; With the addition of Castle Zvahl to the Campaign battlefront, adventurers who fight bravely for the Allied cause will be rewarded with a chance to square off against the Shadow Lord himself! Needless to say, those who emerge victorious will be rewarded with spectacular spoils befitting their heroic deeds.&image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=5303_19.png; "