" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;28/02/2010 News Flash&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;New Add-on Series "Abyssea" Announced!&style;&br; &br; An announcement was made today at VanaFest 2010 for "Abyssea," an all-new three-part series of battle-oriented add-ons.&br;&br;A parallel world existing beside Vana'diel, Abyssea is a land fraught with perils and home to savage hordes of heretofore unseen creatures. Ferocious, towering NMs, new-look HNMs-even the garden varieties will confound would-be challengers with their unfamiliar and formidable powers. These and a whole host more await hapless adventurers with open arms and voracious maws.&br;&br;In Abyssea, concerns such as the over-population of battle areas and the need for large time investments will be a thing of the past. The development team is hard at work creating a world where parties can engage in rewarding battles with powerful foes and collect prized equipment with the least of fuss.&br;&br;For details, please refer to the URL below.&br;http://www.playonline.com/ff11eu/addon/index.html&br;&br; "