" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;06/12/2010 Development&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;The Version Update Is Here!&style;&br; &br; We are proud to announce the arrival of the December version update, featuring "Heroes of Abyssea," the third installment in the Abyssea series of battle area add-ons. Not to be outdone, the Wings of the Goddess expansion also takes center stage with the concluding missions to its emotion-charged storyline.&br;&br;Other notable additions include the raising of the level cap to 90, a plethora of new job abilities and spells to accompany this increase, additional storage features, charming job emotions, and the list goes on.&br;&br;*The list of items storable with the Porter Moogle NPC has been expanded as of December 10, 2010.&br;&br; "