" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;06/06/2013 Life in Vana'diel&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Melvien's Personal Reflections: The Council Meeting and its Aftermath&style;&br; &br; I hereby bid you welcome to the estate of the esteemed Melvien de Malecroix. Have you business with my master?&br;I see. I regret to inform you that he has been called away on a matter of utmost importance.&br;&br;He's a bit too busy, you say? As much as it pains me to agree, it is true that my master has been preoccupied of late. I fear that his admirable work ethic may yet be the death of him.&br;&br;I advised him to consider taking a brief respite from his duties, but in response, he smiled and brandished a fistful of paper in my face, insisting that the most relaxing reprieve comes after a hard day's work.&br;&br;I did manage to steal a glance at his manuscript, which appeared to be a personal journal of sorts. Fancy this: a stone-faced man, always steeped in his work, spending his evenings writing down his most personal feelings and thoughts. I would find the entire proposition preposterous had not I witnessed it with my very eyes. I shamefully admit that I would give a month's salary to steal one more glance...&br;&br;Of course, I know better than to betray my master and lay hand on something so scandalous. Yet when I inquired as to the nature of the documents, he brushed me off, saying they were but personal musings on the state of the colonization effort.&br;&br;(Sigh). I should simply be content with the knowledge that jotting down introspections serves as an outlet for him to relieve stress.&br;&br;Read on for a glimpse into the mind of the esteemed Melvin de Malecroix, Minister of Finance and champion of the colonization cause.&br;http://sqex.to/9AD&br;&br; "