" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;07/02/2013 Life in Vana'diel&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Adoulin Examiner Inaugural Issue&style;&br; &br; Welcome to Adoulin, able adventurers!&br;&br;We proudly proffer a suite of services to satisfy your every need. In addition to the tremendous trappings of our rental houses, we work our wonder on small islands to... to... ... !&br;&br;E-excuse me, kupo!&br;&br;What I meant to mention while I masticated was that the M.H.M.U aims to assist you in your painstaking pioneering efforts!&br;&br;Speaking of services, are you familiar with the West's newest jaunty journal, the Adoulin Examiner, kupo?&br;&br;Two of its most rapacious reporters are collecting candid close-ups of colonization enterprises!&br;&br;What's even more exciting is that the inaugural issue is an introspective on the intrigue that inevitably intertwines Adoulin and Ulbuka, kupo!&br;&br;For details, please refer to the URL below.&br;http://sqex.to/Hhh&br;&br; "