" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;09/27/2013 News Flash&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Mog Bonanza Prize Distribution Period about to Come to a Close&style;&br; &br; Attention, citizens of Vana'diel! The time to claim your prizes from the Mog Bonanza that began on Tuesday, July 16 is about to come to a close.&br;&br;Distribution will cease on Monday, October 7 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT)&br;&br;Winning numbers may be confirmed and prizes received at any of the Bonanza Moogles located in the areas given below. Make sure you exchange your bonanza marbles before time runs out!&br;Port San d'Oria (I-9) / Port Bastok (L-8) / Port Windurst (F-6) / Chocobo Circuit (H-8)&br;&br;* Bonanza Kupons and the respective items that they may be traded in for may continue to be exchanged after Monday, October 7 at any of the Dealer Moogles in the following areas.&br;Port San d'Oria (I-9) / Port Bastok (L-8) / Port Windurst (F-6) / Chocobo Circuit (H-8)&br;&br;For further details, please access the Related Information section.&br;&br; "