" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;12/19/2013 News Flash&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;I Dream of Mog Bonanza 2014 Descends!&style;&br; &br; Do visions of valuables dance in your dome? Perhaps they will this coming year, now that I Dream of Mog Bonanza 2014 is underway!&br;&br;Stuff your sack full of marvelous marbles and feast on the fine fortunes sent your way. Remember, the more you buy, the less apt you are to cry. Don't be shy―aim for the sky!&br;&br;For further details, please access the Related Information section.&br;&br;* Mog Bonanza marbles are scheduled to go on sale from Thursday, December 19, 2013 to Thursday, January 23, 2013. &br;* Only characters for whom 32 days or more have passed since creation can purchase bonanza marbles.&br;* Please remember that all prizes won in the Mog Bonanza are valueless virtual items for use in the game FINAL FANTASY XI only. &br;&br; "