" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;01/01/2007 News Flash&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;The New Year is upon us!&style;&br; &br; Happy New Year!&br;&br;Have you heard the news, adventurers?&br;Herds of a certain type of beast have been seen traipsing across every area of Vana'diel.&br;Where have they come from, and what do they want?&br;&br; Season's Greetings and a Happy New Year!&br;&br;The world has seen many potentially catastrophic events over the past year, but thanks to the efforts of many tireless adventures, Vana'diel has survived to flourish like never before.&br;&br;Her citizens extend their heartfelt gratitude!&image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=1211_0.png; Illustration by Mitsuhiro Arita&image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;Fortune's Menagerie&li;&br; And now comes this rumor of herds of a certain beast traipsing across every area of Vana'diel.&br;&br;In the words of a Far Eastern-born mercenary,&br;"In my land, there is a beast whose tusks are said to govern the provinces of wealth and prosperity. Perhaps some intrepid soul believed these creatures to be the ones I have described, and brought them to the Middle Lands for luck. It is strange, for they bear little resemblance..."&br;&br;While spending a leisurely New Year in the comforts of their Mog House may sound appealing to some, you might find more excitement in chasing down these mystery beasts across field and valley!&br;Who knows? Perhaps an encounter with these creatures will have some effect on your fortunes...&br;&br;We wish everyone a year filled with happiness and prosperity!&image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;Event Details&li;&br; This event is scheduled to begin Sunday, December 31, and end on Monday, January 15, 0:00 (PST).&image=im00;&br; "