" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;07/08/2014 News Flash&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Winning 12th Vana'versary Mog Bonanza Numbers Announced!&style;&br; &br; After a scrupulously supervised session of successfully selecting submissions, we're pleased as punch to present the list of lucky los-er, winning numbers for the very voluptuous 12th Vana'versary Mog Bonanza, kupo!&br;&br;They'll be enumerated in their entirety after entering FINAL FANTASY XI (styled as a superlative system message) or by chatting the chops off a charitable Bonanza Moogle in Port San d'Oria (I-9), Port Bastok (L-8), or Chocobo Circuit (H-8).&br;&br;Perhaps the pinnacle of primacy, prizes may be procured from Tuesday, July 8 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to Tuesday, July 29 at the same hour, kupo.&br;&br;And, as always, don't let the specifics of this superb sweepstakes slip from memory; read on if you require a refresher, kupo!&br;http://sqex.to/P8w&br;&br;* Please remember that all prizes won in the Mog Bonanza are valueless virtual items for use in the game FINAL FANTASY XI only.&br;&br; "