" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;10/24/2014 Development&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Announcing the November Version Update!&style;&br; &br; The next version update is scheduled to hit the servers in early November!&br;&br;This update is packed to the brim with content for every type of player, with top billing going to the thrilling conclusion to the Seekers of Adoulin missions! What fate awaits the sacred city during this unprecedented moment of crisis?&br;&br;If you find communal activities to be more to your liking, you'll want to take a look at the new Unity Concord system and the ability to hire an NPC to distribute linkpearls for you. Also hot off the presses are new rankings for Monster Rearing and some additional job adjustments.&br;&br;Get your hard hats ready!&br;&br; "