" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;02/26/2015 Life in Vana'diel&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Where Light & Darkness Collide&style;&br; &br; Oh, what should I do? This isn?t good! Not good at all! What ever will we do!?&br;&br;Hm? I need to calm down, you say? Yes, I suppose you?re quite right. I should calm down and tell you my story. It is rather fortunate that we came across each other like this. Please, help me, brave adventurer. You?re my only hope.&br;&br;Perhaps you have heard of a certain newspaper, one that serves to keep the people of Adoulin abreast of the latest developments regarding colonization?&br;&br;So you do know it? Yes, I am referring to the recently suspended Adoulin Examiner.&br;&br;You see, it was the young lady of our estate that wrote the articles for that newspaper! Quite impressive, if I do say so myself! Despite being a highborn lady, she always prefers to do things for herself. Very independent and spirited, she is... I guess she?s what you?d call a modern woman! Indeed, a role model for generations to come! The very pride and joy of our estate!&br;&br;Oh, please forgive my momentary flight of fancy. Now, in regards to our lady... She set out for the Ulbuka Forest early this morning, saying she had possibly found the cause behind this mysterious sleeping sickness that is plaguing the city.&br;&br;I thought it was strange, but that Galkan fellow never showed up to meet her like he always does. He showed up somewhat late at the manse, asking where she was. I felt rather taken aback by his nonchalant nature and seeming indifference as to our lady?s whereabouts.&br;&br;Yes, it was quite disturbing indeed. At any rate, she had already run off into the forest by herself!&br;&br;My lord was rather flummoxed when he heard the news and immediately set out for the Pioneers' Coalition. Please, brave adventurer... If you happen to see our lady in the forest, please tell her to return here by way of transportation charm as soon as possible.&br;&br;For details, please refer to the URL below.&br;http://sqex.to/Ly7&br;&br; "