" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;02/08/2007 Community&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community Beta Version Update Complete&style;&br; &br; Today, we performed an update on the FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community Beta Version, implementing several system refinements, including improvements to the login screen, adding the ability to link URLs, and extending the length of time login information is saved.&br;&br; The following is a list of changes that were made:&br;&br;1. Adding the ability to link URLs&br;The various pages within a linkshell community can now be linked directly from other pages. Using this feature, you can point your friends directly to your linkshell, link to events on the World Portal, collaborate with your friends, and use URLs in a variety of other useful situations.&br;&br;2. Session Expiration Time Extended&br;For security reasons, linkshell community login sessions are set to automatically expire after a specific period of inactivity. Over the past months we have received a number of comments on the length of these sessions, and have been hard at work extending the login period.&br;&br;3. Changes to the Login Screen&br;The new Login screen now makes logging in easier for players participating in multiple communities. Now by simply selecting the desired "community account," players will directly jump to the top page of the community in which they are participating. Also, forms for starting or joining a new community are now all found on a separate page.&br;&br;*Accounts are now referred to as "community accounts."&br;&br;4. The Addition of the "Member Profile Editor" to Login Status&br;&br;5. Changes to the Community Rankings&br;All Linkshell objectives can now be found on the Community Rankings within the World Portal.&br;&br;6. The Correction of Other Minor Issues&image=im00;&br; "