" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;02/23/2007 Community&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;The Doll Festival&style;&br; &br; Do you like dolls? Do you like diamond-shaped sweet rice cakes? Do you like being mysteriously transformed into a little girl? Well, then we have the event for you! The three nations of Bastok, Windurst, and San d'Oria have broken out the peach trees and life-sized dioramas and turned up the festivity meter to 10, all in time for the legendary Doll Festival!&br;&br;And what would a festival be without the meddling of those merry moogles down at the MHMU? Your cuddly friends have been working 25-hour days without overtime for the past three and a half weeks to prepare sweet snacks just for you and the other one million adventurers out there.&br;&br;But that's not all! Your other friends here in Topics-land have also been planning an exciting contest for all the aspiring artists in Vana'diel.&br;&br; &li=ng01;The Doll Festival&li;&br; The Doll Festival is a solemn Far Eastern celebration in which displays of dolls and sweets are used to congratulate young girls on their growth.&br;&br;The festival is supposed to be for young girls only, but the M.H.M.U. (Mog House Management Union) has been working with Windurst's Rhinostery to develop a special variety of rice cake that turns anyone who eats one into a little girl, ultimately allowing boys and girls of all sizes to participate in the festivities!&br;&br;To make sure that everyone receives a piece of the magical cake, moogles down at the MHMU have been stuffing envelopes full of the tasty treats and sending them to every single Mog House in Vana'diel.&image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=1481_1.png; *Rice cakes should start arriving in Mog House delivery boxes sometime on or around February 23. Not everyone's will arrive at the same time.&br;*Only characters starting their adventures before 2/18/2007 will receive a cake.&br;*If you return your cake to the MHMU, you will not be able to receive another one.&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;Doll Festival Decorations&li;&br; The following areas will be decked with Doll Festival decor from midnight on February 23, 2007 (PST) to midnight, March 4:&br;&br;- Southern San d'Oria&br;- Northern San d'Oria&br;- Bastok Markets&br;- Port Bastok&br;- Windurst Waters&br;- Windurst Woods&image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&br; Illustration by Mitsuhiro Arita&image=im00;&br; "