" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;09/19/2008 News Flash&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Blazing Buffaloes, or How West Sarutabaruta Was Won&style;&br; &br; Confounded chigoes! Blasted buffalo!&br;Dagnabbit! Get back here, or I'll turn yer worthless hide into a leather jerkin!&br;Hey, you over there! I'm talkin' to you, pardner! Ever wrangled a wild buffalo before?&br;&br;What sort of calamity has befallen the hapless moogles of the Mog House Management Union (MHMU) this time?&br;&br;* Blazing Buffaloes will blitz into town at 01:00 on Friday, September 26 (PDT) and ride off into the sunset at 01:00 on Monday, October 6.&br;&br; "