" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;05/16/2009 Community&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;7th Anniversary Fan Art Contest—Results Are In!&style;&br; &br; And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for!&br;It gives us great pleasure to announce the winners of this year's special 7th Anniversary Fan Art Contest!&br;The sheer volume and variety of inspired submissions made this year's contest the most challenging one yet for our judges, and regrettably, there were many worthy entries which just narrowly missed out on an award.&br;&br;In the end, though, after long deliberation and careful examination of over four hundred entries, we are proud to announce our thirty(*) award winners!&br;And the recipient of this year's coveted Crystal Prize, for the most outstanding artistic depiction of this most auspicious occasion, is...!&br;&br; &li=ng01;Crystal Prize&li;&br; &image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=4514_1.png; Title : Cake In Progress!&br;Artist : P-taru&br;Artist's Comment :&br;In the spirit of the 7th Anniversary, a colossal cookie in the shape of the number "seven" is being erected atop the cake.&br;&br;Judge's Comment :&br;This year's Crystal Prize winner was universally lauded by all staff members for its uniqueness. Truly a masterpiece to sink your teeth into...the hardworking little pastry chefs included! A much deserved congratulations to the artist!&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &li=ng01;Mythril Prize&li;&br; &image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=4514_5.png; Title : 7th Anniversary!&br;Artist : Moku&br;Artist's Comment :&br;What better way to celebrate the 7th Anniversary than with linkshell comrades at one's Mog House?&br;&br;Judge's Comment :&br;Appealing with its homey Mog House theme, this Mythril Prize winner was a strong contender for the Crystal Prize, falling just short. Listen closely, and you can almost hear the mellow sound of the harpsichord mingling with hearty conversations between friends.&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=4514_8.png; Title : Like the First Morning&br;Artist : Buranchi&br;Artist's Comment :&br;Through earth, wind, and rain... How many sunrises have you seen?&br;&br;Judge's Comment :&br;The artist spared no effort in depicting the chocobo's riding gear in vibrant detail, portraying adventuring in Vana'diel with a fresh new realism. We staff members couldn't help but feel drawn to the ingenuity of the piece. What profound thoughts might be crossing the Mithran wayfarer's mind as she gazes towards the graying dawn?&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=4514_11.png; Title : Idyllic Advance&br;Artist : Otake&br;Artist's Comment :&br;Seven years on, and still going strong!&br;&br;Judge's Comment :&br;Thump...thump...thump...&br;"Hey, can you see anything?"&br;Thump...thump...thump...&br;"I think I've caught a glimpse of the future!"&br;Thump...thump...thump...&br;"Wonderful! Watch your step, now!"&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &image=hr02;&br; &style=Tr15;* One of the pieces originally selected for a prize has been disqualified for not meeting the submission requirements.&style;&image=im00;&br; "