" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;06/29/2009 News Flash&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;A Moogle Kupo d'Etat Advance Order Details! Official Site Goes Live! &style;&br; &br; Hear ye, hear ye! Heroes and heroines of Vana'diel, know well that advance orders for "A Moogle Kupo d'Etat—Evil in Small Doses" will be accepted via PlayOnline from Sunday, July 5th. This add-on scenario, the second of three, spins a tale of Mog House mayhem. What manner of stirring adventures and rich rewards await you this time? Why, just wend your way over to the newly launched official site and see for yourself!&br;&br;A promotional video and more will grace the site in the coming days, so keep your eyes peeled for the latest news!&br;&br;For details, please refer to the URL below.&br;http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/addon/&br;&br;*Purchasing users will be able to access the new content with the release of the next FINAL FANTASY XI version update, currently scheduled for late July.&br;&br;*The starting date for advance orders has been corrected from Monday, July 6th to Sunday, July 5th.&br;&br; "