" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;07/24/2009 News Flash&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Beat the Heat with the Sunbreeze Festival! &style;&br; &br; Ah, summer in Vana'diel—a season of scorching days and sweltering nights that will have you working up a sweat just standing around in your subligar.&br;&br;But don't just stay cooped up in your Mog House casting Waterga on yourself until the cool breezes of autumn blow in. Why, you'd be missing out on one of the liveliest celebrations of the year!&br;&br;Hark!&br;Don't you hear the powerful swoosh, boom, and crackle of fireworks in the night sky? The joyous strains of a summer melody in the air?&br;That's right, friend—the Sunbreeze Festival is just around the corner!&br;&br; &image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=4773_0.png; Illustration: Mitsuhiro Arita&image=im00;&br; &image=hr02;&br; &li=ng01;When&li;&br; The festivities will begin on Tuesday, August 4, 2009 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) and run until Monday, August 17th at 1:00 a.m.&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &li=ng01;Where&li;&br; Fireworks displays, Sunbreeze dances, and other festivities will commence each day at nightfall in the following locations:&br;&br;West Ronfaure / East Ronfaure&br;Southern San d'Oria / Northern San d'Oria / Port San d'Oria&br;North Gustaberg / South Gustaberg&br;Bastok Mines / Bastok Markets / Port Bastok&br;East Sarutabaruta / West Sarutabaruta&br;Windurst Waters / Windurst Walls / Windurst Woods / Port Windurst&br;Eastern Altepa Desert / Western Altepa Desert&br;Rabao&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &li=ng01;Fun and Frolic&li;&br; Not content to merely soak up the ambiance? Fear not, for the locations below will feature delightful games with a chance to win exclusive Sunbreeze Festival prizes!&br;&br;Southern San d'Oria (H-9) / Port Bastok (K-8) / Windurst Woods (K-12)&br;&br;&style=Tr15;*Fancy yourself a mini-game master? This year we have a special treat for you! Earn yourself a HQ yukata via one of the aforementioned games, then participate once more while decked out in your new duds, and you'll qualify for an advanced mode offering increased challenge and reward!&style;&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &li=ng01;Piscine Pursuits&li;&br; It just wouldn't be a Sunbreeze Festival without everyone's favorite event—the thoroughly gratifying goldfish scoop! Players may test their skills of aquan acquisition at the following locations:&br;&br;West Ronfaure (G-11) / South Gustaberg (E-8) / East Sarutabaruta (H-8) / Rabao (F-7)&br;&br;Trade your catch to vendors and you'll accrue points—commensurate with the variety of fish you've snagged—that can be redeemed for a veritable host of valuable prizes!&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &li=ng01;Item Vendors&li;&br; Did you miss last year's Sunbreeze festival? Are you dying to get your hands on a stylish yukata to complete your collection? Just pay a visit to one of the vendors in the areas below!&br;&br;Northern San d'Oria (D-8) / Port Bastok (L-8) / Windurst Waters (G-10)&br;&br;This is a rare opportunity to acquire items you may have missed in past events—don't pass it up!&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; &li=ng01;Moogle Transit&li;&br; Do you want to celebrate the festival in all three nations, and yet feel too weary to make the cross-continental trek in the oppressive heat? Let the moogles of the MHMU come to your aid!&br;The areas below will feature a special warp service for the duration of the event:&br;&br;Southern San d'Oria (I-8) / Port Bastok (L-7) / Windurst Woods (K-10)&image=im00;&br; "