" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;10/14/2009 Development&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;Job Adjustments and Additions: Part I&style;&br; &br; Rangers throughout the realm, sharpen your arrows and polish your rifles!&br;A host of ability tweaks scheduled for the new version update promise to render your finely honed hunting skills more potent than ever.&br;&br; &image=hr02;&br; &li=ng01;Ranger Job Adjustments&li;&br; Job Ability Adjustments&br;- Velocity Shot&br;The duration of this ability will be increased from five minutes to two hours.&br;&br;- Unlimited Shot&br;Once activated, this ability will remain in effect until you successfully hit your mark. &br;&br;- Camouflage&br;Rangers with this ability in effect will incur less enmity for ranged attacks. There will be a chance that the ability remains in effect even after a ranged attack, depending on your position relative to your target.&image=im00;&br; &image=hr03;&br; Ranged Attack Adjustments&br;- Ranged attack enmity&br;Less enmity will be incurred the further away you are from the target of your ranged attacks.&br;&br;- Detailed damage messages for ranged attacks&br;Damage messages displayed after a successful ranged attack will indicate the effectiveness of the attack, allowing for players to better gauge their positioning. Critical hit and missed attack messages will remain unchanged.&image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=4955_4.png; &image=hr02;&br; This concludes our preview of the adjustments scheduled for rangers in the upcoming version update.&br;Other jobs set to receive fine-tuning will be featured in the coming days, so keep your eyes glued to this space!&image=im00;&br; "