" &image=ctgic; &style=stDetail1;02/23/2010 Development&style;&br; &style=stDetail2;New Version Update Announced!&style;&br; &br; We're pleased to announce that the development team is hard at work on the next FINAL FANTASY XI version update, which is currently on track for a mid-March release!&br;&br;As always, a host of new additions and enhancements are in store for you, the details of which will first be unveiled to the public at VanaFest 2010 on Sunday, February 28.&br;&br;Those unable to attend the event need not despair, as extensive coverage will be provided via the VanaFest official site and Topics, including a streaming video feed and multilingual commentary from the international community teams as previously mentioned in this space. Don't miss out on the festivities!&br;&br;Visit the official VanaFest 2010 site today! &br;&br; "