"&style=Tb15;Battle-related&style;&br;&br; &li=ng01;The following additions have been made to Delve.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Veils have been introduced in the following areas.&br;Marjami Ravine (M-9)&br;Yorcia Weald (J-7)&br;Kamihr Drifts (H-11)&image=im00;&br; &style=Tb15;Resolved Issues&style;&br;&br; The issue wherein zoning out while having the Job Point window open caused the screen to black out.&br;The issue with the ability Subtle Sorcery wherein the amount of enmity generated would not be reduced under certain conditions.&br;The issue wherein the Cait Sith avatar would not reduce physical damage taken.&br;The issue wherein the name of the item "Slime Cap" would display as a dot in queries involving the following NPCs.&br;Slarin in Southern San d'Oria (K-9) / Sludge in Bastok Markets (E-10) / Ultra Slime in Windurst Woods (H-11)&image=im00;&br; "