"&style=Tb15;Event-related &style;&br;&br; &li=ng01;A new system known as Monster Rearing is now available in Mog Gardens.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Read on for details.&br;http://sqex.to/kWK&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;The following items may now be planted in Mog Garden furrows.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Popotoes / Tarutaru Rice / Sticky Rice&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;New objectives have been added to Records of Eminence.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;Certain conditions for progressing with missions and quests have been revised. &li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Players will no longer have to wait for Japanese midnight, or, when applicable, midnight on Japanese Monday, to progress in the following quests and missions. Instead, waiting periods will be set at a maximum of one minute (Earth time).&br;&br; Coming of Age / Blue Ribbon Blues / A Greeting Cardian / The Sacred Katana / Yomi Okuri / A Thief in Norg!? / The Missing Piece / Better the Demon You Know / Behind the Smile / Tuning In / Tuning Out / Finding Faults / Got It All / Give a Moogle a Break / The Moogle's Picnic! / Moogles in the Wild&image=im00;&br; "" &style=Tb15;Battle-related &style;&br;&br; &li=ng01;New high-tier mission battlefields have been added.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Battlefields and Bosses&br;&br; ★The Shadow Lord Battle&br; Show the angst-ridden Shadow Lord that white is the new black once more!&br;&br; ★Head Wind&br; Teach Shikaree X, Y, and Z that there's more than one way to skin a cat!&br;&br;Joining the Fray&br;The key items required to participate in these battlefields can be acquired from the following NPCs in exchange for merit points.&br;&br; Trisvain in Northern San d'Oria (J-7)&br;&br; Raving Opossum in Port Bastok (J-11)&br;&br; Mimble-Pimble in Port Windurst (L-5)&br;&br;Required key items&br;&br;Key Item Number of Merit Points Required&br;Shadow Lord phantom gem 20&br;Head Wind phantom gem 20&br;* Players must be level 95 or greater and have cleared the original missions in order to receive these items.&br;&br;Regarding Difficulty Levels&br;Each mission battlefield is divided into five levels of difficulty. Boss strength, number and drop rate of spoils, and content level increase in line with difficulty.&br;&br;Difficulty Content Level&br;Very Easy 113&br;Easy 116&br;Normal 119&br;Difficult Greater than 119&br;Very Difficult Greater than 119&br;* Any player may select a difficulty level, but the battlefield's level will be determined by the first person to enter.&br;* Players must have cleared the battlefield on normal to select either difficult or very difficult.&br;* All party members must be in possession of the required key item to enter.&br;&br;&br;Mission Battlefield, Boss, and Entry Restrictions&br;&br;Mission Name Required Key Item Point of Entry Boss Entry Restrictions&br;★The Shadow Lord Battle&br; Shadow Lord phantom gem Throne Room Shadow Lord All Levels&br;Thirty Minutes&br;Six-Person Party&br;★Head Wind&br; Head Wind phantom gem Boneyard Gully Shikaree X&br;Shikaree Y&br;Shikaree Z All Levels&br;Thirty Minutes&br;Six-Person Party&br;&br;Spoils&br;Spoils are rewarded both for vanquishing the boss and clearing the battlefield, and include items needed for reforging artifact and relic armor in addition to equipment unique to each battlefield.&image=im00;&br; Items Required for Reforging and Repairing&br; ★The Shadow Lord Battle&br; Rewards for Vanquishing the Shadow Lord&br; Artifact Equipment-related&br; Players will be able to receive either maliyakaleya coral, chunks of hepatizon ore, chunks of beryllium ore, exalted logs, or Sif's locks on any difficulty level.&br; Relic, Mythic, and Empyrean Weapon-related&br; Players will be able to receive items necessary to repair one of the aforementioned weapon types on "normal" difficulty or above.&br; Rewards for Clearing the Battlefield&br; Artifact Equipment-related&br; Players will receive a number of copies of Rem's Tale Chapter 7 that varies with the difficulty selected.&br;&br; Difficulty Number Obtainable &br; Very Easy 1 &br; Easy 1 &br; Normal 2 &br; Difficult 3 &br; Very Difficult 4 &br;&br; Relic, Mythic, and Empyrean Weapon-related&br; One type of item from the following list will be distributed to each participant.&br;&br; Pluton / Beitetsu / Riftborn Boulder&br;&br; Difficulty Number Obtainable &br; Very Easy 0 &br; Easy 1 &br; Normal 1 &br; Difficult 2 &br; Very Difficult 2 &br;&br; ★Head Wind&br; Rewards for Vanquishing the Shikarees&br; Artifact Equipment-related&br; Players will be able to receive either maliyakaleya coral, chunks of hepatizon ore, chunks of beryllium ore, exalted logs, or Sif's locks on any difficulty level.&br; Relic, Mythic, and Empyrean Weapon-related&br; Players will be able to receive items necessary to repair one of the aforementioned weapon types on "normal" difficulty or above.&br; Rewards for Clearing the Battlefield&br; Artifact Equipment-related&br; Players will receive a number of copies of Rem's Tale Chapter 8 that varies with the difficulty selected.&br;&br; Difficulty Number Obtainable &br; Very Easy 1 &br; Easy 1 &br; Normal 2 &br; Difficult 3 &br; Very Difficult 4 &br;&br; Relic, Mythic, and Empyrean Weapon-related&br; One type of item from the following list will be distributed to each participant.&br;&br; Pluton / Beitetsu / Riftborn Boulder&br;&br; Difficulty Number Obtainable &br; Very Easy 0 &br; Easy 1 &br; Normal 1 &br; Difficult 2 &br; Very Difficult 2&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;The following job-related adjustments have been made.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Red Mage&br;&br; New spells have been added.&br; Haste II (Lv.96, Recast time: 20 sec.)&br; Increases target's attack speed.&br; Distract (Lv.35, Recast time: 10 sec.)&br; Reduces target's physical evasion.&br; Distract II (Lv.85, Recast time: 10 sec.)&br; Reduces target's physical evasion.&br; Frazzle (Lv.42, Recast time: 10 sec.)&br; Reduces target's magic evasion.&br; Frazzle II (Lv.92, Recast time: 10 sec.)&br; Reduces target's magic evasion.&br; Flurry (Lv.48, Recast time: 20 sec.)&br; Increases target's ranged attack speed.&br; Flurry II (Lv.96, Recast time: 20 sec.)&br; Increases target's ranged attack speed.&br;&br;&br; Blue Mage&br;&br; Blue mages are now capable of learning the following spells.&br; Erratic Flutter (Lv.99, Recast time: 45 sec.)&br; Increases attack speed.&br; Thrashing Assault (Lv.99, Recast time: 60 sec.)&br; Delivers a fourfold attack.&br; Subduction (Lv.99, Recast time: 5 sec.)&br; Deals wind damage to enemies within range. Additional effect: Weight.&br;&br;&br; Corsair&br;&br; The phantom roll "Corsair's Roll" now affects capacity point gains.&br;&br;&br; Pupptemaster&br;&br; Automatons equipped with the stormwaker head are now able to use Haste II.&br;&br;&br; Geomancer&br;&br; New spells have been added.&br; Indi-Haste (Lv.93, Recast time: 12 sec.)&br; Increases attack speed for party members within range.&br; Geo-Haste (Lv.97, Recast time: 12 sec.)&br; Increases attack speed for party members within area of effect.&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;Targets under the effects of Weight no longer have their physical evasion decreased.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;Colonization reives in Foret de Hennetiel, Yorcia Weald, Morimar Basalt Fields, Marjami Ravine, Kamihr Drifts, Cirdas Caverns, Dho Gates and Woh Gates have undergone the following adjustments.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; The number of monsters that spawn has been decreased.&br;Monster respawn time has been increased from one minute to five minutes and monster detection radii have been decreased. These two changes also apply to colonization reives in Yahse Hunting Grounds, Ceizak Battlegrounds, Sih Gates, and Moh Gates.&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;Wildskeeper reives have undergone the following adjustments.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; The number of monsters spawning in wildskeeper reives in Yorcia Weald has been decreased.&br;Wildskeeper reives in Ceizak Battlegrounds now have a chance to drop a new katana.&br;&br;* Prah Janimhar in Western Adoulin (J-9) can engrave this new katana with arcane glyptics.&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;The Trust Initiative has undergone the following adjustments.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Alter egos may now be called forth when level synced.&br;&br; Alter egos may now be used in the following Treasures of Aht Urhgan mission battlefields.&br;&br; The Black Coffin / Shield of Diplomacy / Puppet in Peril&br; * Any alter egos called forth before entering the battlefield for The Black Coffin will disappear upon entering and must be called forth again.&br; * Alter egos cannot be called forth inside the battlefields for Shield of Diplomacy and Puppet in Peril, and thus must be called forth before entering.&br;&br; The movement logic of alter egos has been adjusted for when they are not in combat.&br;&br; The following alter egos have received adjustments.&br; Volker&br; Capabilities and action logic have been adjusted.&br; Under certain circumstances, Volker will switch between offense and defense.&br; Aldo&br; Capabilities have been adjusted.&br; The "enhances Dual Wield effect" bonus that Aldo receives under certain conditions will now occur when the player is level 20 or greater.&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;Salvage has undergone the following adjustments.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; The number of gear-family monsters that spawn in Bhaflau Remnants-II and drop alexandrite has been increased.&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;In the "Unlocking a Myth" line of quests, the number of skillchains required to complete the quest is now set as if players have reached floor 100 in Nyzul Isle, regardless of how many floors they have completed.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;The effects of slow will now properly work on certain enemies residing in Adoulin areas whose autoattacks are area of effect.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; *These adjustments also affect those Delve monsters that were modified in the March 18, 2014 version update.&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;Skirmishes have undergone the following adjustments.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; The hierarchy of spoil drop rates in Outer Ra'Kaznar [U] has been adjusted.&br; Pre-adjustment&br;&br; Pulchridopt Wings > Ghastly Stones > Verdigris Stones > Wailing Stones&br;&br; Post-adjustment&br;&br; Pulchridopt Wings > Ghastly Stones = Verdigris Stones = Wailing Stones&br; * In accordance with this adjustment, the drop rate of wailing stones has been increased and that of ghastly stones has been decreased. &br;&br; The types and number of stones that Lola in Eastern Adoulin (G-8) will exchange for pulchridopt wings has been adjusted as follows.&br;&br; Pre-adjustment Post-adjustment &br; Item Number Item Number &br; Ghastly Stone +1 1 ⇒ Wailing Stone +1 1 &br; Ghastly Stone +2 10 &br; Verdigris Stone +1 2 &br; Verdigris Stone +2 20 Wailing Stone +2 10 &br; Wailing Stone +1 4 &br; Wailing Stone +2 40&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;The effects that display upon completion of casting Gekka: Ichi and Yain: Ichi have been modified.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;Some blue magic help text has been changed.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; "" &style=Tb15;Item-related &style;&br;&br; &li=ng01;New synthesis recipes have been added.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;New items have been added.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;The following vendors sell new magic scrolls.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Falgima in Selbina (H-9): Flurry&br; Tya Padolih in Mhaura (G-9): Distract / Frazzle&br; Mazuro-Oozuro in Tavnazian Safehold (F-9): Distract II / Frazzle II&br; Ledericus in Western Adoulin (H-5): Haste II / Flurry II&br; Eukalline in Western Adoulin (H-5): Indi-Haste&br;&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;Runje Desaali in Eastern Adoulin (J-10) now accepts the following items.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; 2,000 Bayld&br;&br; Eminent Flute / Eminent Bell / Influx Earring / Upsurge Earring / Allegro Earring / Impregnable Earring / Flashward Earring / Spellbreaker Earring / Merirosvo Ring / Enlivened Ring / Vehemence Ring / Longshot Ring / Fistmele Ring / Perception Ring / Acumen Ring&br;&br; 4,000 Bayld&br;&br; Tlalpoloani / Macoquetza / Camatlatia / Icoyoca / Tlamini / Suijingiri / Zoquittihuitz / Quauhpilli Helm / Chocaliztli Mask / Xux Hat / Quauhpilli Gloves / Xux Trousers / Chocaliztli Boots&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;The following items may now be stored with the Porter Moogle.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Moogle Storage Slip 19:&br;&br; Kengyu Happi / Kengyu Hanmomohiki / Shokujo Happi / Shokujo Hanmomohiki / Kyuka Uchiwa / Kyuka Uchiwa +1&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;The following items' icons have been adjusted.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Inferno Crystal / Glacier Crystal / Cyclone Crystal / Terra Crystal / Plasma Crystal / Torrent Crystal / Aurora Crystal / Twilight Crystal&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;Vendoring prices have been reduced for the following items.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Max-Potion / Max-Potion +1 / Max-Potion +2 / Max-Potion +3&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;The following types of ammunition that may be stored in pouches and quivers have been added.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Ra'Kaznar Arrow / Ra'Kaznar Bolt / Ra'Kaznar Bullet / Abrasion Bolt / Righteous Bolt&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;Oversized Fangs may now be mined in Kamihr Drifts.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;The following items are now stackable in groups of twelve.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Incus Cell / Castellanus Cell / Cumulus Cell / Radiatus Cell / Stratus Cell / Cirrocumulus Cell / Undulatus Cell / Virga Cell / Duplicatus Cell / Opacus Cell / Praecipitatio Cell / Pannus Cell / Fractus Cell / Congestus Cell / Nimbus Cell / Velum Cell / Pileus Cell / Mediocris Cell / Humilus Cell / Spissatus Cell&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;The following synergy recipes have been added.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; [Rank: Amateur]&br; Item Required Craft Materials &br; Kyuka Uchiwa +1 - Kyuka Uchiwa (x2) &br;&br; [Rank: Artisan]&br; Item Required Craft Materials &br; Abrasion Bolt Woodworking, Alchemy Abrasion Bolt Heads, Urunday Lumber &br; Righteous Bolt Woodworking, Alchemy Righteous Bolt Heads, Urunday Lumber &br;&br; [Rank: Adept](Corrected on Jul 9, 2014)&br; Item Required Craft Materials &br; Ifrit Ring Goldsmithing Ifritear, Rhodium Ring &br; Leviathan Ring Goldsmithing Leviatear, Rhodium Ring &br; Ramuh Ring Goldsmithing Ramutear, Rhodium Ring &br; Titan Ring Goldsmithing Titatear, Rhodium Ring &br; Garuda Ring Goldsmithing Garutear, Rhodium Ring &br; Shiva Ring Goldsmithing Shivatear, Rhodium Ring &br; Carbuncle Ring Goldsmithing Carbutear, Rhodium Ring &br; Fenrir Ring Goldsmithing Fenritear, Rhodium Ring &br; Ifrit Ring Goldsmithing Ifritear, Rhodium Ring +1 &br; Leviathan Ring Goldsmithing Leviatear, Rhodium Ring +1 &br; Ramuh Ring Goldsmithing Ramutear, Rhodium Ring +1 &br; Titan Ring Goldsmithing Titatear, Rhodium Ring +1 &br; Garuda Ring Goldsmithing Garutear, Rhodium Ring +1 &br; Shiva Ring Goldsmithing Shivatear, Rhodium Ring +1 &br; Carbuncle Ring Goldsmithing Carbutear, Rhodium Ring +1 &br; Fenrir Ring Goldsmithing Fenritear, Rhodium Ring +1&image=im00;&br; "" &style=Tb15;System-related &style;&br;&br; &li=ng01;A history function has been added to the Synthesis section of the main menu.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Selecting the History option will display information concerning pervious synthesis attempts. Simply choose the appropriate item from the list and select "OK" to perform the same synthesis as before.&br;&br; * Players must have the applicable materials in their inventory to perform synthesis using this feature.&br; * Up to ten different entries can be displayed in the History menu.&br; * Synthesis items in this list are displayed in descending order from newest to oldest.&br; * In the event that players perform synthesis for an item not already displayed in their history and fail, the resulting item will be "Mangled Mess." If, however, they succeed and synthesize a high-quality item, the name of that high-quality item will display as the entry. The name of the Mangled Mess or high-quality item will be overwritten should a normal-quality item be produced when synthesizing that item again.&br;&br; Favoriting&br; Selecting an item shown in the history and clicking "Favorite" will display a star mark (★) next to the entry and ensure that it will remain in one's history.&br;&br; * Players who already have ten items favorited will not have the history overwritten when performing a synthesis not in the list.&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;The /lastsynth text command will now undertake the synthesis located on the top of the synthesis history list rather than the most recent recipe synthesized. &li;&br;&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;Home points have been added to the following areas.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Uleguerand Range (H-7, J-9, K-7, H-5, G-9) / Attohwa Chasm (G-6) / Pso'Xja (?-?)* / Newton Movalpolos (M-9) / Riverne-Site #A01 (I-9) / Al'Taieu (H-4, E-6, L-6) / The Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi (H-8) / The Garden of Ru'Hmet (H-9)&br;* At the entrance to the Shrouded Maw&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;Survival Guides have been added to the following areas.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Bostaunieux Oubliette (I-6) / Toraimarai Canal (F-5) / Eldieme Necropolis (J-9) / Crawler's Nest (M-8) / Garlaige Citadel (G-7) / Northern San d'Oria (E-8) / Bastok Mines (I-9) / Port Windurst (B-5) / Ru'Lude Gardens (I-10)&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;The categories in the "Comment" option under the "Search" sub-menu have been modified as follows.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Pre-adjustment Post-adjustment &br;EXP Party ⇒ EXP Party &br;Mission Battle Content &br;Quest Missions & Quests &br;Battlefield Item &br;Item Linkshell &br;Synthesis Looking for Friends &br;Magian Others &br;Others &image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;The following text command has been introduced.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; /targetbnpc&br;Targets the closest NPC or monster within a certain radius that can participate in battle.&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;The text command “/follow” will now work on invisible players in all areas and content other than Ballista and Brenner. &li;&br;&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;A loading icon will now display in the top right of the screen when item data is being updated upon changing areas or performing other actions. &li;&br;&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;In Monstrosity, it is now possible to unsort instincts. &li;&br;&image=im00;&br; "" &style=Tb15;Resolved Issues &style;&br;&br; The issue wherein selecting “Titillating Tomes” from the Goblin Footprints in Mog Gardens would occasionally display the player's NPC assistant in cutscenes.&br;&br; The issue wherein some NPCs would not display in cutscenes in the quest “Titillating Tomes.”&br;&br; The issue with Monstrosity wherein the icons for certain monster instincts were incorrect.&br;&br; The issue with Monstrosity wherein the cursor would display in an improper position upon selecting “Set Faculties” from the “Customize” menu and performing certain actions.&br;&br; The issue with Monstrosity wherein the ability window would display at an unnatural time when performing certain actions.&br;&br; The issue with Records of Eminence wherein the objectives “Shiver me Timbers” and “Go With the Flow” disappeared from the list of possible objectives.&br; * Players are able to progress with these objectives by re-accepting them from Nantoto in Lower Jeuno (H-8).&br;&br; The issue with Records of Eminence wherein players were unable to complete the objective “Participate in Fish Ranking”&br;&br; The issue with Records of Eminence wherein certain objective help text was incorrect.&br;&br; Various issues with improper quest text.&br;&br; Various issues with NPC dialogue and messages.&br;&br; The issues wherein attribute adjustments for the following weapon skills were incorrect.&br;&br; Heavy Swing / Rock Crusher / Earth Crusher / Shell Crusher / Vidohunir / Garland of Bliss / Omniscience / Flash Nova&br;&br; The issue wherein alter egos would stack together while moving in certain areas.&br;&br; The issue wherein some animations for Elivira's alter ego's were incorrect.&br;&br; The issue wherein Aldo's alter ego would occasionally take erroneous actions.&br;&br; The issue wherein performing certain actions while calling forth alter egos while already in a party would place players in "Seeking Party" mode.&br;&br; The issue wherein geomancer indicolure and geocolure spells, afterglow effects, sphere effects, and avatar Favor effects would not affect alter egos called forth by the party leader.&br;&br; The issue wherein players would not lose experience upon being knocked out when participating in a battlefield requiring microcosmic or macrocosmic orbs.&image=im00;&br; The issue wherein monsters would occasionally not spawn properly in colonization reives in Morimar Basalt Fields.&br;&br; The issue wherein phantom rolls would not active properly under certain circumstances when equipped with the Merirosvo Ring or Barataria Ring.&br;&br; The issue wherein Archaic Ramparts appearing in Arrapago Remnants-II would sink into the walls under certain circumstances, rendering them unable to be attacked.&br;&br; The issue wherein TP accumulated by attacking for pets summoned with the Call Beast command, wyverns, and avatars was incorrect.&br;&br; The issue wherein the visual effects of certain special attacks used by monsters did not match their names.&br;&br; The issue wherein items engraved with arcane glyptics did not appear grayed out when attempting to deliver items between characters on the same account.&br;&br; The issue wherein the macro palette would occasionally cease to open when performing crystal synthesis from the Synthesis main menu option.&br;&br; The issue wherein performing the /hidefaith or /hidetrust text commands while the icon type is set to 1 in the Misc. section of the Config menu option would set the icon type to 2.&br;&br; The issue with the /lastsynth text command wherein augmented items would be selectable as materials.&br;&br; The issue wherein the following signed items were usable in syntheses performed using the /lastsynth text command.&br;&br; Noble's Bed / Desk / Tarutaru Desk / Water Barrel / Tarutaru Folding Screen / 9-Drawer Almirah / 6-Drawer Almirah / 3-Drawer Almirah / Blue 9-Drawer Almirah / Blue 6-Drawer Almirah / Blue 3-Drawer Almirah / Green 9-Drawer Almirah / Green 6-Drawer Almirah / Green 3-Drawer Almirah / Yellow 9-Drawer Almirah / Yellow 6-Drawer Almirah / Yellow 3-Drawer Almirah / White 9-Drawer Almirah / White 6-Drawer Almirah / White 3-Drawer Almirah / Fine Parchment / Enchanted Ink / Padded Box / Tavnazian Salad / Green Curry / Black Curry / Red Curry / Yellow Curry / Coeurl Sautee / Batagreen Sautee / Windurst Salad / Beaugreen Sautee&br;&br; The issue wherein the cursor would be placed in an incorrect location when switching main menu screens.&br;&br; The issue wherein the Ionis effect “XXXX Synthesis Skill Gain Rate Increase” would not apply to synergy.&br;&br; The issue wherein certain terrain features in Yorcia Weald (E-9) were occasionally stacked on top of each other.&br; * This issue was resolved in the June 2014 version update, but we are announcing it now, as the fix required further testing.&image=im00;&br; "" &style=Tb15;Known Issues&style;&br;&br; In Records of Eminence, the objectives “Shiver Me Timbers” and “Go With the Flow” will have disappeared from the list of completed objectives if completed before the July 8, 2014 version update.&br;&br; In Records of Eminence, fishing up Tavnazian goby, turnabaligi, or garpike will not count for the “Total Catches (Saltwater)” and “Total Catches (Freshwater)” objectives.&br;&br; In Mog Gardens, the graphics for the pond will not change when they level up to a specific rank.&br;&br; The attribute dependencies for the weapon skills “Starburst” and “Sunburst” are incorrect.&br;&br; The visual effects of the blue magic spell “Erratic Flutter” will not display for other characters when casting it while under the effects of the job ability “Diffusion.”&br;&br; The visual effects of the blue magic spell “Erratic Flutter” will not display for other characters when casting it while under the effects of the job ability “Diffusion.”&br;&br; Familiars will occasionally cease to move in Arrapago Remnants and Arrapago Remnants-II.&br;&br; The following alter egos will occasionally not cast Cure when the player is a certain distance away.&br;&br; Cherukiki / Nashmeira / Fablinix / Nollurie / Ferreous Coffin&br;&br; When a party member under the effects of Spirit Surge uses Super Jump on an alter ego called forth by the party leader, the effects of Super Jump do not activate.&br;&br; Wyverns will prioritize alter egos when using Healing Breath.&br;&br; In Pankration, the amount of jettons earned decreases with each successive victory after attaining a certain number of consecutive wins.&br;&br; Monster Rearing-related designations will now display in the selection list when speaking to Debadle-Levadle in Western Adoulin.&br;&br; The message “Downloading Data...” will continue to be displayed in the help window if players perform specific actions immediately after an area change.&br;&br; Players will occasionally become unable to select “Synthesis” from the main menu when using the /lastsynth text command immediately before changing areas.&br; * This issue can be resolved by performing one of the following actions.&br; Performing synthesis via /lastsynth.&br; Performing synthesis by selecting a crystal from the inventory.&br; Relogging.&br;&br; The in-game message announcing the July Login Campaign erroneously describes it as the August Login Campaign. A similar error will occur for the August Login Campaign.&br;&br; Merchants selling magical maps in Rabao display visible macros in their sale dialogue rather than the amount of gil the maps actually cost. Please purchase your maps in another location.&image=im00;&br; "