"&style=Tb15;Event-related&style;&br;&br; &li=ng01;Meeble Burrows Additions and Adjustments&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=9815_1.png; &li=・;New expeditions have been added.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=9815_2.png; The new expeditions are issued by the Burrow Researcher in Batallia Downs (J-8).&br;&style=Tr15;*The expeditions in Batallia Downs are independent from those in Sauromugue Champaign.&style;&image=im00;&br; &li=・;"The Batallia Downs caverns" has been added as a location to which the Burrow Investigator in Upper Jeuno (I-8) may transport you.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=9815_4.png; &li=・;A new NPC named Sokrov, with whom you can exchange wizened worms for reward items, has been introduced in Batallia Downs (J-8).&br;*Sokrov serves the same function as Utrig does in Sauromugue Champaign (J-7).&li;&li=・;New wizened worm exchange items have been added.&li;&li=・;The white magic spell Embrava now functions as follows for the new Salvage content as well as in Meeble Burrows:&br;- Effect duration is ninety seconds instead of five minutes.&br;- Haste potency increases by 1% for every twenty points of one's enhancing magic skill instead of for every fifteen points.&br;- Embrava grants the effect of Refresh, not Regain.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; &li=ng01;Trades with the following NPCs involving ancient currencies may now only be completed if the currency amount matches the amount needed to purchase items.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; Haggleblix: Beadeaux (E-7)&br;Lootblox: Davoi (J-7)&br;Antiqix Castle Oztroja (F-8)&image=im00;&br; "" &style=Tb15;Item-related&style;&br;&br; &li=ng01;New items have been added.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=9815_10.png; "" &style=Tb15;System-related&style;&br;&br; &li=ng01;When trading with other players, information regarding the number of items you possess will now display while the trade window is open. &li;&br;&image=im00;&br; &image=im00;&image=9815_13.png; "" &style=Tb15;Resolved Issues&style;&br;&br; &li=ng01;The following issues have been rectified:&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; &li=・;The issue wherein the Spinet furnishing would not play certain songs even when placed in one's Mog House.&li;&li=・;The issue wherein the damage bonus based on dexterity for the thief ability Sneak Attack would activate even when thief was set as a support job.&li;&li=・;The issue wherein changing the number of character models displayed under "Misc." in the Config menu would also change the cursor position for the Icon Type setting.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; "" &style=Tb15;Known Issues&style;&br;&br; &li=・;Receiving the effects of Warp II, Teleport, or Retrace during a cutscene in a town occasionally skips the cutscene.&li;&li=・;The item Vihuela cannot yet be delivered to characters belonging to different accounts.&li;&li=・;Using the black magic spell Kaustra does not properly count towards completing "dark-based status ailment" objectives in Trial of the Magians.&li;&li=・;The Abyssea-Tahrongi NM Cuelebre can become the target of melee attacks at all times under certain conditions.&li;&li=・;The rate at which participants in Ballista and Brenner competitions receive temporary items remains unintentionally high under certain circumstances.&li;&li=・;Absorbing the effect of a song while under the effect of a Phantom Roll occasionally negates the Phantom Roll effect.&li;&li=・;The "Set" attribute for the item Nefer Khat +1 does not properly activate.&li;&br;&image=im00;&br; "