FFXI: Consulting with Mentors
&pre=1;&image=ng01;&style=gyb17;Consulting with Mentors&style;
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Consulting an experienced mentor can be very helpful when you
encounter problems you cannot solve on your own.
To search for a mentor, select "Mentor Search" from the main menu's
Help Desk option, or use the Search
function to find players with mentor
&pre=1; Before seeking assistance from mentors, it is
necessary to confirm whether they can accommodate your language.
In the Mentor Search results, mentors who can assist in English will
have an "E" displayed to the right of their character name;
those who can assist in Japanese will have a "J." Mentors with "JE"
next to their names can offer assistance in both English and Japanese.
&pre=1;&image=ng01;&style=gyb17;Finding a Mentor&style;
&style=spacer02; &style;
&style=jwb15b;Using Help Desk&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
Select "Help Desk" from the main menu, then select "Mentor Search" to
see a list of currently active mentors.
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&style=jwb15b;Using Search&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
To find mentors nearby, use the Search function to search "Current
Area." Active mentors will have mentor icons displayed beside their
names. If there are no mentors in your area, try a search under
"Current Region."
&pre=1;&image=ng01;&style=gyb17;Once You've Found a Mentor&style;
&style=spacer02; &style;
Players with mentor icons beside their names are active mentors who
are ready to answer questions at any time.
Feel free to approach them whenever you have a problem.
&pre=1;&image=ng01;&style=gyb17;Notes on Consulting Mentors&style;
&style=spacer02; &style;
Mentors are experienced players who have volunteered to share their
knowledge with others. When consulting them, please remember that
they are regular adventurers just like everybody else.
If one does not have the answer to your question, you can ask him or
her to help you find the answer, or simply look for another mentor.
&pre=1; &style=jwb15b;Note to New Adventurers&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
Once you've purchased a FINAL FANTASY XI Content ID and
created a character, a system message explaining how to search
for a mentor will appear. A "New Adventurer&style=chr14;(*)&style;" icon will be
displayed beside your character's name.
&style=spacer01; &style;
&style=chr14; (*) The New Adventurer icon will be displayed until you have
reached level 5 or logged ten hours of play time.&style;