FFXI: Key Terms "640","88","-640", &pre=1;&style=gyb16;Promathia&style; &style=spacer01; &style; We who dwell in Vana'diel were born of the tears shed by Altana, Goddess of the Dawn. But tales tell of an opposite to the loving deity who watches over us--a divinity known as the God of Twilight, Promathia. Enlarge ^03View a larger version of this image. &pre=1;While Altana soars on wings of freedom, Promathia is bound in chains; his confinement is said to be a limitation he has placed upon himself. Can this legend be true? And do rumors of the frightening phenomenon occurring in faraway lands have any relation to Promathia? Enlarge ^03View a larger version of this image. &pre=1;The unfolding mystery of "Chains of Promathia" will bring adventurers ever closer to the astonishing truth behind Vana'diel's origin. &pre=1;&style=gyb16;Emptiness&style; &style=spacer01; &style; Emptiness--an insidious phenomenon that has begun to gnaw away at the land. This menace, first disregarded as a distant threat, is drawing heroes of every nation into a race to uncover its true nature. Is this "emptiness" a tear in the fabric of Vana'diel? Or is it the birth of an entirely new world? Enlarge ^03View a larger version of this image. Enlarge ^03View a larger version of this image. Enlarge ^03View a larger version of this image. &pre=1;&style=gyb16;The Emptiness of Promyvion&style; &style=spacer01; &style; The beautiful yet ominous lands of the newly revealed realm, Promyvion. Enlarge ^03View a larger version of this image. Enlarge ^03View a larger version of this image. Enlarge ^03View a larger version of this image. Enlarge ^03View a larger version of this image. Enlarge ^03View a larger version of this image. Enlarge ^03View a larger version of this image. &pre=1;&style=gyb16;Airship Armada&style; &style=spacer01; &style; This fleet contains an uncountable number of airships. Unlike the airships adventurers are accustomed to seeing, these craft appear to be fitted for war... Enlarge ^03View a larger version of this image. Enlarge ^03View a larger version of this image. &pre=1;&style=gyb16; Wyrmking Bahamut&style; Enlarge ^03View a larger version of this image. Enlarge ^03View a larger version of this image. Key Terms Back ^03Return to previous page. Next ^03Go to the next page. "", "null:$loc=0,sound:3,null:$shBtLgEnb=0,eval:$arShBtLg[$pgNum], eval:'sd:setx='+$arShPgX[0]+'@shPg'+$pgNum,eval:'sd:alphacolor=0@shPg'+$pgNum,eval:'sd:move=20@shPg'+$pgNum,eval:'sd:enable=0@shPg'+$pgNum, null:$pgNum--,null:$shBtLgEnb=1,eval:$arShBtLg[$pgNum], eval:'sd:setx='+$arShPgX[1]+'@shPg'+$pgNum,eval:'sd:alphacolor=255@shPg'+$pgNum,eval:'sd:move=20@shPg'+$pgNum,eval:'sd:enable=1@shPg'+$pgNum, eval:$arPgNpCmd[3]", "null:$loc=0,sound:3,null:$shBtLgEnb=0,eval:$arShBtLg[$pgNum], eval:'sd:setx='+$arShPgX[2]+'@shPg'+$pgNum,eval:'sd:alphacolor=0@shPg'+$pgNum,eval:'sd:move=20@shPg'+$pgNum,eval:'sd:enable=0@shPg'+$pgNum, null:$pgNum++,null:$shBtLgEnb=1,eval:$arShBtLg[$pgNum], eval:'sd:setx='+$arShPgX[1]+'@shPg'+$pgNum,eval:'sd:alphacolor=255@shPg'+$pgNum,eval:'sd:move=20@shPg'+$pgNum,eval:'sd:enable=1@shPg'+$pgNum, eval:$arPgNpCmd[3]", "null:$btPreEnb=($pgNum!=0), null:$btNxtEnb=($pgNum!=$pgMax), eval:$arPgNpCmd[4*($btPreEnb==0)+5*($btNxtEnb==0)], sd:enable=$btPreEnb@shPre, sd:enable=$btNxtEnb@shNxt, sd:reload@txPgNum,sd:reset=1@tmPgNpCmd", "sd:focus@btNxt", "sd:focus@btPre", "sd:enable=$shBtLgEnb@shBtLg0", "sd:enable=$shBtLgEnb@shBtLg1", "", "sd:enable=$shBtLgEnb@shBtLg2", "sd:enable=$shBtLgEnb@shBtLg3,sd:enable=$shBtLgEnb@shBtLg4", "sd:enable=$shBtLgEnb@shBtLg5,sd:enable=$shBtLgEnb@shBtLg6", "sd:enable=$shBtLgEnb@shBtLg7,sd:enable=$shBtLgEnb@shBtLg8", "sd:enable=$shBtLgEnb@shBtLg9,sd:enable=$shBtLgEnb@shBtLg10", "sd:enable=$shBtLgEnb@shBtLg11,sd:enable=$shBtLgEnb@shBtLg12", "sd:enable=$shBtLgEnb@shBtLg13,sd:enable=$shBtLgEnb@shBtLg14" &var=$pgNum+1;/&var=$pgMax+1; Back ^03Return to Chains of Promathia top page.