FFXI: Expansion Discs &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;About Add-on Scenarios&style; &style=spacer01; &style; &li= ;Add-on Scenarios are additional chapters of adventure in the world of Vana'diel that may be purchased from the "Optional Service" → "Registration Code Sales" section of the PlayOnline &size=15,14;FINAL FANTASY XI page. Three scenarios--"A Crystalline Prophecy,"&size; "A Moogle Kupo d'Etat," and "A Shantotto Ascension"--have been released. By purchasing a registration code at the page above and updating to the latest version of the game, the scenario data will be installed and players may embark on their new quests. (Please note that your character must be level 10 or higher to play the add-on scenario missions.)&li;