FFXI: Mouse &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;Mouse &style=spacer01; &style; Using the Mouse Scroll Wheel Left&br;Mouse Button Right&br;Mouse Button &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; Scroll Wheel:&style; &style=spacer01; &style;  &image=ng02;Click   Opens menu &style=spacer01; &style;  &image=ng02;Scroll   Scrolls the active window. &style=spacer01; &style;  &style=Ty15;*Not all mice are equipped with scroll wheels.&style; &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; Left Button:&style; &style=spacer01; &style;  &image=ng02;Click   Selects menu item / Targets PC, NPC, or object. &style=spacer01; &style;  &image=ng02;Drag   Moves character   Moving the mouse while holding the left button will move   your character in the same direction as the cursor. &pre=1;&style=Tk15w_3; Right Button:&style; &style=spacer01; &style;  &image=ng02;Click    Cancels menu item selection / Cancels targeting PC, NPC or object. &style=spacer01; &style; &image=ng02;Click while moving mouse   While moving your character, click the right mouse button to turn autorun on and off. &style=spacer01; &style; &image=ng02;Drag   Moves camera Move the mouse while holding down the right mouse button to move the camera in the direction of the pointer. &pre=1;&style=Tk15w_3; Cursor:&style; &style=spacer01; &style; &image=ng02;Third-person perspective In third-person mode, move the pointer to the edge of the screen to move the camera in that direction. &style=spacer01; &style; &image=ng02;First person perspective In first-person mode, move the pointer to the left or right edge of the screen to turn your character in that direction. &style=spacer01; &style; &style=Ty15_2;*From highest to lowest, the priority for mouse controls is as follows: character movement, camera movement, menu selection, and targeting.&style;