FFXI: Status"0","Status""2","Profile""3","Job Levels""4","Combat Skills""5","Magic Skills""6","Craft Skills"
&style=spacer01; &style;
Selecting "Status" from the main menu
opens the status window at the upper left
of the screen and the status menu at the
upper right of the screen.
This allows you to check the current status
(parameters) and other information about
your character.
&pre=01; Select an item from the "Status" window
to view the details about that parameter.
" Character Name",
" Character Name"
" Main Job Name and Level",
" Main Job Name and Level"
" Support Job Name and Level",
" Support Job Name and Level&br; &style=Ty14_4;*Only appears when you have selected a&br; support job"
" Current / Max HP (Hit Points)",
" Your character's HP.&br; When this value reaches 0, your character&br; will fall in battle."
" Current / Max MP (Magic Points)",
" Your character's MP. &br;
You will be unable to cast a spell if you do&br;
not have the required MP for that spell."
" TP (Tactical Points)",
" Your character's current level of TP.&br;
When this value reaches or exceeds 100%,&br;
you will be able to use weapon skills that&br;
your character has learned. "
" STR (Strength)",
" Your character's strength.&br; Affects the power of your attacks. "
" DEX (Dexterity)",
" Your character's dexterity.&br; Affects the probability that your attacks&br;
will hit."
" VIT (Vitality)",
" Your character's vitality.&br; Affects your character's defensive ability."
" AGI (Agility)",
" Your character's agility.&br; Affects your ability to dodge enemy&br;
" INT (Intelligence)",
" Your character's intelligence.&br; Affects the power of black magic spells."
" MND (Mind)",
" Your character's mental focus ability.&br; Affects the power of white magic spells."
" CHR (Charisma)",
" Your character's charisma.&br; Affects the power of songs."
" Your current main job level.",
" Your current main job level."
" Your current level of experience points.",
" Your current level of experience points.&br; Increases as you defeat enemies in combat."
" The amount of experience points required&br;
for your character to reach the next level.",
" The amount of experience points required&br;
for your character to reach the next level.&br;
The gauge indicates your current&br;
experience level as a percentage of the&br;
value required to reach the next level."
&style=spacer01; &style;
Selecting "Profile" from the status
menu allows you to view the
following information about your
The country of your character's allegiance.
Your character's race.
Home Point
The location of your current home point.
Your mission rank for the country of your allegiance.
Rank Points
Your current number of rank points.
&pre=01;&image=ng01;&style=Tk15w_3;Job Levels&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
Selecting "Job Levels" from the
status menu allows you to
view a list of jobs that your
character has learned, and the
corresponding level for each.
When you first begin the game, you will only be able to
select basic jobs. However, as you progress through the
game, you will be able to learn extra jobs.
&style=spacer01; &style;
&style=Ty15_2; *Some extra jobs can only be learned by registering for
expanded content. &style;
&pre=01;&image=ng01;&style=Tk15w_3;Combat Skills&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
Selecting "Combat Skl." from
the status menu allows you to
view a list of combat-related
skills that your character has learned, and the
corresponding level for each.
&pre=01;&image=ng01;&style=Tk15w_3;Magic Skills&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
Selecting "Magic Skl." from
the status menu allows you to
view a list of magic-related
skills that your character has learned, and the
corresponding level for each.
You can increase the level of each magic skill by using the
corresponding type of spell in battle.
&pre=01;&image=ng01;&style=Tk15w_3;Craft Skills&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
Selecting "Craft Skl." from the
status menu allows you to
view a list of craft skills that
your character has learned, and
the corresponding level for each.
You can increase the level of each craft skill by
synthesizing items associated with that skill.
Your craft skill rank (such as "Amateur," and "Recruit,")
will change as your level increases.
&pre=01;&li= ;Selecting "Merit Points" from the "Status" menu allows you to switch between EXP and Limit Point accumulation modes, as well as use your merit points to enhance your current attributes. This button only appears when you are in your Mog House.
&style=spacer01; &style;
&style=Ty14_3;&li=*;The "Merit Points" button will only be added to the "Status" menu if your main job level has reached at least 75 and you have received a certain key item from the nomad Moogle in the Ru'Lude Gardens.
For more information on merit points, please see "Merit Points" in "Game Basics."&style;&li;&li;