FFXI: Magic "0","Magic" "6","Learning Blue Magic" &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;Magic&style; &style=spacer01; &style; Selecting "Magic" from the main menu allows you to view and use magic spells that your character has learned. Select a type to display the list of spells that you have learned. Magic spells that you can currently use are displayed in white. Spells that you cannot currently use, either due to insufficient MP or because of changing jobs, are displayed in grey. &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;Types of Magic&style; &style=spacer01; &style; The different types of spells have the following characteristics:
White&br;Magic &pre=01; Can be learned by white mages, red mages, and paladins. Contains many healing and recovery spells. Certain types of white magic can only be used by red mages.
Black&br;Magic &pre=01; Can be learned by black mages, red mages, and dark knights. Contains many powerful attack and curse spells.
Songs &pre=01; Can only be learned by bards. Songs have various effects on friends and foes.
Ninjutsu &pre=01; Can only be learned by ninja.
Summoning&br;Magic &pre=01; Can only be learned by summoners. Allows summoners to summon an avatar or elemental to fight along side them.
Blue Magic &pre=01; Only blue mages can acquire this type of magic, which enables the player to learn certain special abilities from enemies.
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;MP Consumption and Casting Intervals&style; &style=spacer01; &style; Each spell, except ninjutsu and songs, consumes a certain amount of MP. If the amount of MP required to cast a spell is higher than your character's current amount of MP, you will not be allowed to cast the spell. Each spell requires a certain casting interval. This refers to the amount of time before you can cast the same spell again. Also, please be aware that you cannot begin casting a spell while you are in the process of casting another one. &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;Learning Spells&style; &style=spacer01; &style; With the exception of blue magic, you can generally learn new spells by purchasing scrolls at magic shops in cities and using them as items. Some scrolls cannot be purchased in shops. You may encounter them unexpectedly during your adventures. Some spells require that your character be of a certain job class and level for you to learn them. You will be unable to use the scrolls for these spells until you satisfy the requirements. &pre=01;However, blue magic is acquired by "learning" the special abilities of monsters. Refer to "Learning Blue Magic" under "Magic" for more information on how blue magic is learned. &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;Learning Blue Magic&style; &style=spacer01; &style;  Blue magic is acquired by "learning" the special abilities  of monsters. You have a chance to learn blue magic only  after you defeat a monster and fulfill the following  conditions. &style=spacer01; &style;  ・Your main job is set to blue mage  ・Your blue magic skill is at the required level to learn   the blue magic in question &pre=01;・The monster is defeated after using a special ability on the blue mage or a party/alliance member &style=spacer01; &style; You will not acquire blue magic if you are KO'd when a monster is defeated, or the defeated monster does not yield experience points. &style=spacer02; &style; &style=Ty15;*Some monster abilities cannot be learned as blue magic.&style; &style=spacer02; &style; In addition, you must "set" the spells you wish to use before you can cast them. Refer to "Setting Blue Magic" under "Abilities/Skills" for more information.