FFXI: Config
"2","Chat Filters"
"6","Font Colors"
"10","Battle Effects"
&style=spacer02; &style;
Selecting "Config" from the main menu
allows you to make changes to various
game settings.
&style=spacer02; &style;
Allows you to set auto-target during battle and the sound
ON or OFF and configure the flicker reduction settings.
&style=spacer02; &style;
-Auto-target during battle
-Sound Effects Volume
-Music Volume
-Flicker Reduction
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_2;&image=ng01;Chat Filters&style;
&style=spacer02; &style;
Allows you to set the types of information that will appear
in your log window. You can select from three levels of
chat filter: On, Off, or Hold.
&style=spacer02; &style;
&style=Tk14w_2; &image=ic01;:The selected information will appear in the log window.
&image=ic02;:The selected information will not appear in the log window.
&image=ic03;:The selected information will appear in the log window
and remain for a certain period of time.
&image=ic04;:A chime will sound when receiving a Tell from another
&pre=01; Characters and content that can be filtered:
&style=spacer01; &style;
-"you": Actions/emotes used by your character
-"party": Actions/emotes used by party members
-"allies": Actions/emotes used by alliance members
-"others": Actions/emotes used by other players
-"NPCs": Actions/emotes used by non-player characters
&style=spacer03; &style;
&style=Ty15; *Beastmaster pets, wyverns, and avatars are placed under
the same category as their masters.
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; [Chat Filter Order of Priority]&style;
&pre=01; The order of priority determines which messages are
displayed. A message may display even though its chat
filter is set to OFF if a higher-priority option is set to ON.
&style=spacer02; &style;
&style=Tg15; Example:
A player from your alliance casts Cure on your character.&style;
&style=spacer02; &style;
If the filters for actions "on/by you" are set to OFF, and
the filters for actions "by allies" are set to ON, the
message will display. If the filters for actions "on/by you"
are set to ON, and the filters for actions "by allies" are
set to OFF, the message will not display, because the
player's character has priority.
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;Font Colors&style;
&style=spacer02; &style;
Allows you to change the color of the font for text displayed
in your log window during chat, battles, and the like.
&style=spacer02; &style;
&style=Tk15w_3; [Font Colors]&style;
Players can change font colors by adjusting red, green,
and blue values. The sample text may be used as a
reference when deciding font color.
&style=spacer01; &style;
Allows you to toggle the display of windows and set the
number of lines to be displayed.
&style=spacer01; &style;
&style=Tk15w_3; [Log Window]&style;
-Reactive window sizing
-Maximum lines displayed
-Minimum lines displayed
-Resize Time
-Window Type
&style=spacer01; &style;
Allows you to toggle the display of damage messages
during battle, adjust the privacy setting for your character
information, toggle the vibration mode for the analog
controller, and adjust the screen size.
&style=spacer01; &style;
&style=Tk15w_3; [Damage display]&style;
-On-screen damage display
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; [Miscellaneous]&style;
-Character information
-Vibration Mode
-Screen Proportions
-Screen Brightness Adjustment
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;Battle Effects&style;
&style=spacer02; &style;
Allows you to set the types of effects that will appear on
You can select from two levels of effect filters: On or Off.
&style=spacer01; &style;
On: The selected effect will appear on screen.
Off: The selected effect will not appear on screen.
&style=spacer02; &style;
Players may adjust a number of camera and mouse control
&style=spacer01; &style;
&style=Tk15w_3; [Mouse Control]&style;
-Type 1: Use cursor as point of reference for movement.
-Type 2: Use your character as point of reference for
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; [Screen Edge Panning]&style;
-On: The camera will rotate when the mouse pointer is
moved to the edge of the screen.
-Off: The camera will not rotate when the mouse pointer
is moved to the edge of the screen.
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; [Camera View]&style;
-Normal: Allows unrestricted movement of the third-person
-Chase Cam: Locks the third-person camera behind your
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; [Third-Person Camera]&style;
Y Axis
-Normal: Reset third-person camera controls to the default
-Inverted: Invert third-person camera controls on the Y axis.
X Axis
-Normal: Reset third-person camera controls to the default
-Inverted: Invert third-person camera controls on the X axis.
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; [First-Person Camera]&style;
Y Axis
-Normal: Reset first-person camera controls to the default
-Inverted: Invert first-person camera controls on the Y axis.
X Axis
-Normal: Reset first-person camera controls to the default
-Inverted: Invert first-person camera controls on the X axis.
&style=spacer02; &style;
Allows you to toggle the filtering tools ON or OFF and set
the auto-disconnect function.
&style=spacer01; &style;
-Language Filter
-Chat Language Filter
-Idle time (min.) until auto-disconnect