FFXI: Action Commands
"0","Action Commands"
"21","Disengaging / Calling for Help "
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;Action Commands&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
When you are targeting something, you
can press the Confirm button or Enter
key to open the action command menu at
the lower left of the screen.
This allows you to select from a menu of commands for
various actions.
&pre=01; *When you are targeting a monster, the first command in
the action command menu will become "Attack."
&style=spacer01; &style;
*For more information about using the action command
menu while targeting things other than monsters, please
refer to the Targeting subsection of Game Basics.
&style=spacer01; &style;
Select "Attack" from the action
command menu, then press the
Confirm button or Enter key to
enter battle mode and launch an
attack against a monster using
your equipped weapon.
In battle mode, as long as you are within the range of the
weapon that you have currently equipped, your character
will attack automatically based on the weapon's delay
&pre=01; Auto-attacking continues as long as you are in battle
However, if you move outside of the range of your
weapon, you will stop attacking until you are within range
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; Switching Targets&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
During auto-attack mode, the first
command in the action command
menu will become "Switch Target."
Selecting this causes a purple
sub-target cursor to appear in
addition to the yellow target cursor.
&pre=01; The sub-target cursor can be moved with the directional
buttons or the 0 key on the numeric keypad.
Move it to another monster within range that you wish to
attack, then press the Confirm button or Enter key to
switch the target of the auto-attack system.
&style=spacer01; &style;
Move the cursor over "Magic" in
the action command menu, then
press the right directional
button or the right arrow key to
display a magic list.
Select a type of magic, and a list
of currently available spells will appear.
&pre=01; Select a spell and press the Confirm button or Enter key
to show the sub-target cursor. Select the target of the
The spell will be cast once the casting time (the period of
time required from casting a spell until it takes effect)
has elapsed.
&style=spacer01; &style;
&style=Ty15_2; *Select "Magic" from the action command menu and press
the Confirm button or Enter key to display a list of magic
spells that can be used.&style;
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; Casting Time&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
The amount of time required for a
spell to take effect is indicated by the
"Casting Time" gauge at the upper left of the screen.
This time varies according to the type of spell and your
character's job level.
A spell will not take effect until the gauge reaches 100%.
&style=spacer02; &style;
&style=Ty15; *If you move your character or are attacked by a monster
during the casting process, the spell may fail.
&style=spacer01; &style;
Selecting "Abilities" from the action command menu and
pressing the Confirm button or Enter key opens a list of
ability commands.
&style=spacer01; &style;
&style=Tk15w_3;【Job Abilities】&style;
Displays a list of current job abilities. Select an ability,
move the target cursor to a desired target, and press the
Confirm button. Job abilities need a certain period of time
to recharge before they can be used again.
This time period is indicated (in real-world time) at the
upper right of the log window.
&pre=01; In some cases, your character's status may cause a job
ability to lose its effectiveness.
&style=spacer01; &style;
&style=Tk15w_3;【Weapon Skills】&style;
Once you have gained a certain amount of combat skill in
battle, your character will learn special techniques
corresponding to the weapon used. (However, some
weapon skills cannot be learned by certain job classes.)
To use a weapon skill, you must be in battle mode, have
the corresponding weapon equipped, and the TP (tactical
point) gauge shown at the upper left of the screen must
be over 100%. TP is gained by hitting and being hit by
enemies in battle.
&pre=01; To use a weapon skill, select "Weapon Skill" from the
"Abilities" menu in the action command menu, highlight the
desired target with the sub-target cursor, and press the
Confirm button or Enter key. When a weapon skill is
activated, your TP gauge will be reduced to zero regardless
of the skill's effectiveness. Some weapon skills vary in
effectiveness according to the amount of TP. For example,
if the TP gauge exceeds 100%, a corresponding amount of
extra damage may be added to some attacks.
&style=spacer02; &style;
&style=Ty15_2; *TP is lost when your character moves into a different
area and while your character is healing.
&pre=01; Members of a party can time the
activation of their individual
weapon abilities to attack an
enemy consecutively for massive
amounts of damage. If successful,
this technique will generate a
special effect multiplier, and
"Skillchain: [Type], [Amount] Damage" will appear in the
log window. Some weapon abilities can be combined in
this manner, while others cannot.
&pre=01; Members of a party can time
magic to take effect after an
enemy has been hit with a
combination of weapon abilities,
causing a far greater amount of
damage than normal.
This is called a "Magic Burst."
If you are successful, "Magic Burst: [Type], [Amount]
Damage" will appear in the log window.
&pre=01; Because a certain amount of casting time is required for a
spell to take effect, timing a magical attack to coincide
with consecutive weapon ability strikes is an extremely
advanced technique.
Only certain magic spells can be combined with consecutive
weapon ability attacks in this manner.
&pre=1;&style=Tk15w_3; 【Ranged Attacks】&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
&pre=01; This technique can be used to attack an enemy from a
You must first equip a ranged weapon to utilize this
method of attack.
Certain job classes cannot equip ranged weapons.
&style=spacer02; &style;
There are two types of equipment that can be used in
ranged attacks.
&pre=1;&style=Tg15_2; Combining a Ranged Weapon and Ammunition
(Ex: Bow and Arrow)&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
The Equipment screen,
accessible from the main
menu, has slots for
ranged weapons and slots
for ammo (ammunition).
You will not be able to
use a ranged weapon
without filling both slots.
&pre=01; Move the cursor to "Ranged Atk." and press the
Confirm button. Then, select a target.
Items equipped in the "Ammo" slot can only be used once.
However, You can equip stacks of certain types of ammo,
such as arrows, for repeated firing.
&style=spacer03; &style;
&style=Tg15; Standalone Ranged Weapons (Ex: Boomerang)&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
You can equip a standalone ranged weapon in the "Ranged"
slot on the Equipment screen.
These weapons require no ammo.
A standalone ranged weapon is used in the same way you
would use a normal ranged weapon.
&pre=1;&style=Tk15w_3; 【Pet Commands】&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
&pre=01; This command can only be used
by job classes that can use pets.
Additional commands will become
available as your job level
&style=spacer01; &style;
Select "Item" from the action
command menu and press the
Confirm button or Enter key to
display a list of usable items.
Select the item that you wish to
use and a target cursor will appear.
Select a target and press the Confirm button or Enter key.
&pre=01; *You cannot arrange items that appear in the list by
selecting "Item" from the action command menu.
Please select "Item" from the main menu to access the
commands for arranging items.
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;Disengaging / Calling for Help&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
During an auto-attack, you can
select "Disengage" from the
action command menu and press
the Confirm button or Enter key to break off the attack.
You can also move the cursor to the "Disengage" selection,
then press the right directional button or the right arrow
key to access the "Call for Help" command.
&pre=01; "Call for Help" is a command that
allows you to request assistance
from nearby PCs (player
characters) if you are being
chased by an enemy or if you are caught in a battle
that you know you can't win.
Selecting "Call for Help" sends out a distress message to
PCs within a certain range of your character.
&pre=01; Similarly, if another PC issues a "Call for Help," a message
will appear in your log window and the name of the
monster that they are fighting will change from purple to
Furthermore, a mark indicating their direction will appear
on your compass to assist you in navigation.
&style=spacer01; &style;
When you have targeted a
monster, select "Check" from the
action command menu and press
the Confirm button or Enter key
to display a description of its
relative strength in your log window.