FFXI: Changing Jobs
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;Changing Jobs&style;
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When you are in your Mog House, you
can use the main menu to select "Mog
House," then "Job Change," and then select "Main Job"
or "Support Job" (if you have satisfied the requirements
for a support job). Selecting "Main Job" or "Support Job"
will allow you to select a job from a list.
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&style=Ty15; *Jobs listed as "???" in the job list represent "extra jobs"
that your character has not learned yet.&style;
&pre=01; In the list, your main job level is indicated in orange,
while your support job level is indicated in blue.
When you change jobs, your equipped items will be
removed and returned to your item list.
You will need to re-equip weapons and armor appropriate
to the new job class after making the change.