FFXI: Fish Ranking
"0","Fish Ranking"
"5","How to Participate "
"8","Ranking Results"
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;Fish Ranking&style;
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"Fish Ranking" is held periodically at the fishing guild in
Selbina. The NPC Chenon handles all aspects of the Ranking
system, including entry procedures and award reception.
A certain variety of fish will be specified for each Fish
Ranking contest. Players who wish to participate must
obtain the fish and trade it to Chenon. The participant
whose entry best fits the conditions set forth in the
contest rules will be declared victorious.
&pre=01; Contest entries for Fish Ranking will be accepted for a
period of two weeks (Earth time). After the competition is
over, the results will be announced for the next two-week
period. This cycle will continue so that the event is held
twelve times a year.
&pre=01; [Conditions for Participation]
Anybody can participate as long as he or she possesses
the fish specified by Chenon. There are also no rules
regarding the method of acquiring the fish.
You can catch it yourself, buy it at the auction house,
or search other players’ bazaars.
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Three rules determine what kind of fish to seek for the
&pre=01; Rule A: Type of Fish
The first rule specifies the variety of fish to be used for
the contest.
Rule B: Fish Specifications
The second rule specifies whether the fish will be
evaluated based on its weight, size, or both.
Rule C: Large vs. Small
The third rule specifies whether the fish with the greatest
value or the smallest value of weight/size will be declared
the winner.
&pre=01; &style=Ty15;*One type of large fish will be specified for each contest.
*Speak to Chenon during the entry period to confirm the
criteria by which the fish will be judged.&style;
&style=spacer02; &style;
Fish that lack a
specification and fish
with the label
"Ranking:×" will not be accepted for Fish Ranking.
The fish's size (lm) and weight (Pz) are displayed in the
lower right hand corner of the item help window.
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;How to Participate&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
Trade the fish
specified for the
contest to Chenon
during the submission period to participate in Fish Ranking.
You can only have one submission entered into the contest
at a time, and an entry fee will be charged at the time of
&pre=01; If you have already entered a fish, you may resubmit
another specimen to replace the previous entry.
However, you must pay a separate entry fee for the new
Any fish that have been entered in a Fish Ranking
competition will be labeled "Ranking:×" and will be
unusable for future contests. However, the fish may still
be used in any other typical way, such as selling,
cooking, and quests.
&pre=01; [Confirming or Withdrawing an Entry]
You can confirm or withdraw your submission during the
entry period.
There will be no additional fee, but you cannot recover
entry information that has been withdrawn.
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;Ranking Results&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
As soon as the entry period ends, no more submissions
will be accepted, and players will be able to view
ranking results for the next two weeks (Earth time).
During this time, you can speak to Chenon to view the
ranking board or receive your awards.
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&style=Ty15; *You may view the ranking board even if you did not
participate in Fish Ranking.&style;
&pre=01; The ranking board lists rank, tier, the participant's name,
and entry details. In the case of a tie, the tied rank will
be listed twice, and the list will skip the following number.
For example, if two players tied for rank 2, the list would
display as follows.
&style=spacer01; &style;
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 2
Rank 4
&pre=01; All ranking records are deleted after each contest.
However, players who have received awards in Fish Ranking
may confirm their personal award history by speaking to
&style=spacer01; &style;
The top twenty participants will be eligible for the following
&style=spacer01; &style;
Rank 1: Title "Gold Hook," Pelican Ring, and prize money
Rank 2: Title "Mythril Hook," Pelican Ring, and prize money
Rank 3: Title "Silver Hook," Pelican Ring, and prize money
Rank 4-10: Title "Copper Hook," Pelican Ring, and prize
Rank 11-20: Pelican Ring
&pre=01; *In the event of a tie, all players will receive an award and
a new title with regard to their tier, but the prize money
will be divided among the participants.
*Award winners may receive their prize at any time while the
results are being announced. However, the player will no
longer be eligible for an award after the announcement
period ends, so it is important to accept your prize in a
timely fashion. If your inventory is full, you will be
unable to accept your reward.
&pre=01; If you do not make space in
your inventory and accept your prize before the
announcement period is over, you will not be able to
receive it at a later time.
*You can revert to any previously received title by speaking
to a bard in the town where the title was originally earned.