FFXI: Missions "0","Missions" "3","Mission Rank" &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;Missions&style; &style=spacer01; &style;  Missions are important events that allow your PC (player character) to play a major role in the internal affairs of your nation. Each country has its own set of missions. Generally speaking, your allegiance comes into play, and you can only accept your own country's missions. &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; Accepting a Mission&style; &style=spacer01; &style;  In order to receive a mission, you must find the gatehouse of the country of your allegiance. Gatehouses stand at the entrances to a nation. The gatehouse guard can bestow missions upon players. If you speak to these guards, they will tell you about the missions that are currently being offered. &pre=01; You cannot take on more than one mission at a time, and you cannot start a new mission until you clear the previous one, so exercise caution when accepting them. Although the first missions you will be offered are relatively low-level odd-jobs, completing them will help build your reputation in your country. &style=spacer01; &style; &style=Ty15_2; *You can view a list of current and completed missions by selecting "Missions" from the main menu. &pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;Mission Rank&style; &style=spacer01; &style;  Unlike your job level, your mission rank is expressed as "Rank" and "Influence" within your country. When you clear a mission you have accepted, speak to the guard again to receive rank points. You can check your mission rank at any time by selecting "Profile" from "Status" on the main menu. When your rank points reach the right-hand side of the gauge and you clear another mission, your mission rank will increase and you will receive a monetary reward from your nation. &pre=01; Having a higher mission rank has various advantages. As your mission rank increases, so will the number of missions that you can accept, the number of places you can enter, and the length of time that Signet remains active. &style=spacer01; &style; &style=Ty15_2; *Besides missions, you can also gain rank points by giving crystals obtained in battle to the gatehouse guard.