FFXI: Macros
"1","Creating Your Macro"
"8","Using Macros"
"11","Troubleshooting "
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Macros are text strings that instruct your character to activate preset actions. They are created by combining text commands with in-game elements such as magic and job ability names.
Macros allow you to trigger a series of multiple actions with the single press of a button. &li;
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&li=ng01;Creating Your Macro&style;
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What macro is useful will depend on variables like your character's job and level. For example, a macro for the warrior job ability "Provoke" is recommended for warriors, while white or black mages would benefit from macros that cast healing magic on companions, or offensive magic on enemies.
Let's try creating a macro for the warrior job ability "Provoke."&li;
&pre=01;&li= ;&style=Tk15w_3;Selecting a Macro Button&style;
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Select "Macros" from the Main
Menu, and choose a book you
wish to edit. The macro set
will be displayed. Next, select the button to which you would like to assign the macro (from either Ctrl1 to Ctrl0 or from Alt1 to Alt0). We will create a macro for the Ctrl1 button in set 1 of Book03.
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&style=Ty14;&li=*;For more information on macro names and functions, please refer to the "Main Menu>Macros" section of the manual.
&pre=01;&li= ;&style=Tk15w_3;The Macro Creation Process&style;
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Selecting the Ctrl1 button will
bring up the macro editor window.
This is where macros are created.
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&image=no01;Entering a Macro Title
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The macro title is displayed at the top of the macro editor window and the button on the macro set. We recommend entering a title that reflects the action to be activated by the macro.&li;
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&style=Ty13;&li= *;&size=14,13;Up to 5 letters of the macro title will be visible on the button.
For the purpose of this tutorial, we will input "Provoke" as the title.&size;&li;
&pre=01; &image=no02;Entering a Macro
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&li= ;Place your cursor over the
first slot on the macro editor
window, and press
[Confirm/Enter]. Enter the
macro text string for "Provoke" as follows:
&style=spacer02; &style;
&style=Tg15; 《 /jobability(space)provoke(space)<t> 》&style;&li;
&pre=01;&li= ;Since "Provoke" is a job ability, you should first enter the text command "/jobability" or "/ja". After this, enter the ability name, and then end the text string with "<t>", which stands for "target." This macro will activate the job ability "Provoke" on the selected target.&li;
&pre=01;&li= ;Your macro for the job ability
"Provoke" is now ready! There
are still, however, a few tips
and tricks that can enhance your
gaming experience even further.
On the second line of the macro,
we will create a message to inform your party members that you are activating "Provoke" on the selected target.
The text command is the party message command, "/p", followed by the message you would like to send. It will look something like the following.&li;
&pre=01;&li= ;&style=Tg15; 《 /p I just provoked a <t>! 》&style;
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With this addition, your party members will receive a log message, "I just provoked a (target name)!" the instant you activate the macro.
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You may find creating macros difficult at first, but once you get the hang of the basics, it is quite easy. Use your imagination to create macro combinations that suit your needs.
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&style=Ty13;&li=*;You may find creating macros difficult at first, but once you get the hang of the basics, it is quite easy. Use your imagination to create macro combinations that suit your needs.&li;&li;
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&li=ng01;Using Macros&style;
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&style=Tk15w_3;Analog Controller:&style;
&style=spacer01; &style;
If you are using an analog controller, press the R2 button to open the upper row macro palette, or the L2 button to open the lower row macro palette, at the top of the screen. Once the macro palette appears, use the directional pad to move the cursor to a desired macro and then press [Confirm/Enter] to activate it. If you wish to switch between macro palettes, hold down the R2/L2 button and press the Up or Down on the directional pad. &li;
&pre=01; &style=Tk15w_3;Keyboard:&style;
&li= ;If you are using a keyboard, press the Ctrl key to toggle the upper row of macros, and the Alt key to toggle the lower row of macros. Unlike the analog controller, you must hold down the key to display the macro palette. While the macro palette is being displayed, press the right/left arrow keys to scroll through the list, and then press Enter to activate a macro.Alternatively, you can press the number that appears over each macro title. If you wish to switch between macro palettes, hold down the Ctrl or Alt keys and press the Up/Down direction key. Or press and hold Ctrl and Shift (or Ctrl and Alt) simultaneously and press the number corresponding to the macro palette you wish to use. &li;
&pre=01;&li= ;Using your newly created "Provoke" macro:
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(1) Select your desired target.
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(2) Toggle the macro palette on.
&li= ・;Analog Controller: press the L2 button.&li;
&li= ・;Keyboard: Press and hold down Ctrl.&li;
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(3) Select the button assigned to the "Provoke" macro (Ctrl1).
&li= ・;Analog Controller: use the directional buttons to select the macro, and then press [Confirm].&li;
&li= ・;Keyboard: use right/left arrow keys to scroll through the list, and then press Enter. Alternatively, press the keyboard number corresponding to the macro button.&li;&li;
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Macros can be very helpful, but you may occasionally
encounter problems until you have mastered macro writing.
If you make a mistake in a macro's formatting, you will
receive an error message in your log window.
If this happens, be sure to check the following:
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; Check the name of the command.&style;
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If you misspell the name of a command, the macro will
not work.
If you encounter an error, ensure that you spelled the
name of the command correctly.
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&style=Tk15w_3; Check your formatting.&style;
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You must insert spaces between words when creating a
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3; Check the line where the error occurs.&style;
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If you have created a macro that
extends across multiple lines,
check where the error occurs.
For example, in the case of the
above "Provoke" macro, if the job
ability worked but the party
message did not appear, you
would know that the error is in the second line.