FFXI: Mog Houses
&pre=01;&style=Tk15w_3;&image=ng01;Mog Houses&style;
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Mog Houses are safe places where
players can take a break from
their adventures. Certain areas in
each nation of Vana'diel are
designated as residential areas.
These residential areas contain
personal Mog Houses for each player. To find your Mog
House, select "Map" from the main menu and head to the
area marked as the residential area. Once you enter the
residential area, you will enter your Mog House.
&pre=01; Mog Houses allow you to use
several special commands that
cannot be accessed elsewhere.
When you enter for the first time,
a moogle will explain the various
features of your Mog House.
Please be sure to read the
explanation before proceeding.
&style=spacer01; &style;
&style=Ty14;&li= *;For more information about Mog House commands, please
refer to the Mog House topic under the Main Menu section.&li;
&li= *;Each city's residential area connects to the same Mog House.&li;&style;